Vacation Troubles Part 3

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They went back to their room after lunch for a while so they could get in a little extra sleep since they had both been out late the night before. They were still getting along well somehow to Tomura's surprise. Maybe by giving Dabi a chance and not snapping at him was going well. Tomura was willing to give it a chance if Dabi was. They seemed to get along well when they weren't fighting.

  Tomura even smiled at Dabi hesitantly as the man made a joke about how they were going to get back at there friends for this. "Really when we get back let's team up on Toga and Kurogiri." Dabi said a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Agreed." Tomura said chuckling. It was weird he was getting along with Dabi. Instead of threatening to bodily harm one another they were having a civil conversation and laughing. Maybe if he had gotten to know Dabi instead of being annoyed by him they could have been friends. He supposed there was no time like the present.

Dabi wasn't that bad of a guy he had to admit. "So, um Dabi..." Tomura said cutting himself off. He felt guilt as he remembered all the times he'd snapped at the other man. Sometimes it was because he annoyed him other times Dabi would just open his mouth. Dabi had always managed to get under his skin and drive him crazy and the worst part was Tomura had no idea how he did it.

"Yeah?" Dabi asked his gaze fixed on Tomura wondering what he wanted.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk on this trip and well all the time." Tomura said he avoided eye contact he felt Dabi's gaze boring into him making him squirm. Tomura felt his cheeks flush he was embarrassed to have to apologize but he felt it was needed. Especially, since yesterday had gone well between them. The fact that they had managed to spend a entire day in one a other presence without fighting even amazed Tomura.

"Please say something it's awkward." Tomura said he fiddled with the blanket covering the bed. Tomura was met with more silence he sighed. "Look I know I've been a jerk at times but..." Tomura said he cut himself off once he heard quiet laughter.

Dabi was trying to cover his mouth. Tomura looked at him half way between irritated and confused. He was mad Dabi was laughing at his apology he didn't have a clue what the man thought was funny either. "What?" Tomura asked he surprised the anger that was growing inside him.

"Oh, it's just seeing you so red and embarrassed is honesty amusing." Dabi said between laughs. Tomura glared at him his cheeks turning even more red Dabi embarrassing him more with his teasing. Dabi stopped whenever he saw Tomura stand up. He glared back daring him to come near him. Tomura was going to blow up on him he knew.

"I'll show you embarrassed." Tomura said instead of the hatred filled tone he usually adopted around Dabi his voice was amused. Dabi blinked a couple of time confused a few seconds ago the man had been on the verge of yelling at him. "I'm going to try to be nice to you for now on. Can you do your part by not annoying me as much as usual?" Tomura asked he sat down beside Dabi on the bed.

Dabi was frozen he nodded numbly still to shocked by everything. First he apologized then he wants to make amends? Tomura was next to him. On the same bed. They were having a conversation that didn't involve yelling or throwing things. What did he mean by "I'll show you embarrassed"?

Dabi's brain was like a tornado of thoughts and emotions. He shook his head the only thing he needed to focus on was the man's smile in front of him. "Yeah I can do that. But don't expect it to all go away you're to fun to not annoy a little." Dabi said grinning.

Tomura rolled his eyes but his smile didn't vanish. "Friends?" Tomura asked holding out his hand hesitantly. This time instead of leaving him waiting Dabi clasped the other man's hand shaking it. "I'll take that as yes what do you wanna do today? We still have two more days after all." Tomura said he brought up Google maps on his phone.

"Are you ever gonna elaborate on your earlier comment?" Dabi asked he was still curious on what Tomura had meant earlier. Without having to ponder about Tomura being kind to him he could now focus on that.

"Nah, we're getting along no need to mess it up." Tomura said he was concentrated on his phone scrolling threw multiple places they could go to pass the time that day.

"If you say so." Dabi said choosing to let it go. Tomura was right they were getting along no need to tease one another at the moment. "How about we go see a movie?" Dabi asked he was looking over Tomura's shoulder.

"Yeah that sounds fine. It'll kill a few hours to." Tomura said he got up he put his wallet in his pocket before opening the door. "After you." Tomura said as he opened the door for Dabi.

"What a gentleman like always." Dabi joked as they both walked toward the car. Dabi got in the passenger seat and Tomura in the driver's seat. They talked about trivial things as Tomura drove. From their favorite video games to what the worst and best movie they had ever seen was.

Tomura learned a lot about Dabi during their trip he had never learned before. Evidently, he liked soba but only cold, he loved spicy candies and he hated overly sweet things. Dabi learned Tomura's favorite movie of all time was about dragons and wizards. He hated Old Yeller because the dog died in the end and he loved dogs.

They arrived at the movie theater it was a hour drive. It was a comfortable one filled with random facts about one another or music if they had nothing to say. "I'll buy the tickets what do you wanna see?" Tomura asked as he looked over the multiple movie posters indicating which movies were playing that day.

"Top Gun Maverick?" Dabi asked Tomura nodded he didn't really care what they watched. Tomura played for their tickets and they got snacks opting to share a bucket of popcorn. Tomura felt a blush rise to his cheeks on more than one occasion whenever Dabi's hand would brush up against his when they'd both reach for popcorn at the same time.

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