Late Night Confessions

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Dabi plopped down on his bed with a dramatic sigh. The League Of Villains had not only been on quite a few missions Tomura had also been stressed out about the outcome of said missions. The man had planned them thoughtfully looking for any possible flaw he could in the plans.

In some of Tomura's first battles he'd made dire mistakes that lead to huge losses against the heroes. Tomura hadn't been able to protect All For One when they invaded the run down bar the villains had been staying in. It wasn't his fault he was young and inexperienced.

Tomura of course didn't only blame the heroes for his capture but himself as well. Dabi being Tomura's boyfriend of course had to also comfort the man and calm him down the days before the battles actually happened. Dabi didn't find comforting his boyfriend annoying but he had to admit staying up late with him was taking a toll on him physically and mentally.

It was part of having a healthy relationship was to help your pattern. Between all the missions being a rock for Tomura Dabi had worn himself thin. It was worth it though to see the smiles on everyone's faces including Tomura's whenever they'd taken over the Meta Liberation Armies headquarters.

Dabi was glad for the comfortable bed that wasn't in a questionable part of town or a hotel mattress that had suspicious stains on it. He let his eyes close he just wanted a minute to relax by himself while he waited for the exhaustion to fully deep into his weary bones.

Dabi was about asleep whenever his door hit the wall. It wasn't hard but the person who'd entered clearly didn't care to catch it on time before it collided with the wall. Dabi was annoyed at his interrupted almost nap he opened his eyes to glare at the intruder.

Dabi dropped it fast as soon as he saw Tomura there in his doorway with a bottle of what appeared to be expensive whiskey. "Celebrating are we?" Dabi asked amused he patted the spot beside him on his bed. Tomura grinned at him before sitting down he set the bottle between them.

Dabi felt the alcohol burn down his throat he winced at the feeling. He didn't get drunk he stopped once he felt the pleasant buzz of alcohol in his body. "These last few weeks have been stressful." Dabi said he was laying on his bed his hands under his head.

"No kidding." Tomura let out a chuckle even if he thought nothing was funny.  He was staring at Dabi watching the man's facial expressions for a indicator at what he was thinking. Dabi's face tended to remain neutral not allowing anyone to see what he was thinking however he let down his guard with Tomura. Tomura liked watching his facial expressions change since it was only a thing for him.

The two men laid there in silence just relaxing and enjoying one another so presence. "I love you ya know." Dabi said he was half asleep he hadn't meant to say that out loud. Judging by Tomura's tense body neither had he. Even though they were dating neither of them had ever said the l word.

It meant a lot for them since they both didn't trust a lot of people. Even dating Tomura and trusting him had been hard at first. "I mean I'm sorry I didn't-" Dabi began he stopped talking not able to form the right words they all tripped over one another. "It's late I'm tired and alcohol." Dabi said he felt nervous since Tomura wasn't saying anything he was only staring at Dabi thoughtfully.

"Dabi quit talking." Tomura said he scooted over until he was right next to Dabi. He brought his right hand up to Dabi's face holding stroking the man's cheek gently as he watched the pattern his finger was tracing. Dabi was quiet after that he put his hand over Tomura's he brought it up to his lips he kissed it tenderly.

Tomura smiled slightly he placed his hand back on Dabi's face holding it still this time instead. "I love you to Dabi." Tomura said he felt his heart thumping against his chest at the declaration. Tomura knew he'd loved Dabi for a while now. He just hadn't said it. It did seem so much more real whenever he said it though.

  Dabi kissed Tomura's cheek he laid his head on the man's chest relaxing. "Hmm, go to sleep boss." Dabi said he let his eyes closed.

"Yeah." Tomura agreed he closed his eyes to.

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