Get Out

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Shigaraki sighed it had been a long day between meetings and dealing with the League's shenanigans. He loved them like family but sometimes they could become to much. All he wanted to do was play video games in the solitude of his room. It appeared that the universe had it out for him as soon as he opened his room he say the League's pyro maniac sprawled out on his bed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Shigaraki asked him annoyed. "Wanted to see you of course boss." Dabi said in a teasing tone. "Dabi knock it off. I'm not in a good mood." Shigaraki growled. Dabi smirked his plan to find some entertainment by annoying his boss seemed to be working. "Hm, how about no." Dabi replied back sassily.

Shigaraki's hand twitched at his side the man was really starting to get on his nerves. "I'll warn you one more time. Stop. It. Now." Shigaraki said each word angrily. Dabi did a mock pout, "Aw, creep you're no fun." He whined. "I don't give two shits get out." Shigaraki said he was losing his little patience fast.

Dabi had to give him credit his self control had improved. A few months ago he would have just dusted him on the spot. Shigaraki had grown up a lot he could tell. He was now in charge of the League a few months ago Dabi would have told anyone it'd be a disaster. Shigaraki was a damn good leader and he actually cared about his members. Even if he'd never admit it.

Dabi wanted to test his self control push it to it's boundaries. How much did he have to annoy him for him to tackle him to the floor like he used to? It helped that the man seemed to already be pissed off anyways. "Don't you have you're own room?" Shigaraki asked he had given Dabi one to stay at the rare times he stuck around the base. The black haired man usually disappeared after a mission not appearing until the next.

"Yeah, and?" Dabi asked. "Use you're own." Shigaraki said he took off his coat throwing it somewhere in his already messy room. "You're rooms a disaster." Dabi commented. "Thank you for stating the obvious. If you are done being a asshole go away." Shigaraki said annoyed. Dabi grinned he thought he only needed to press him a little bit longer. Shigaraki looked about at his breaking point.

"Nah, I quite like it here." Dabi said he was surprised when he didn't feel a hand wrapped around his throat or a death threat. Shigaraki sighed, "If you're going to stay at least take off the boots." Shigaraki said he gave up on trying to get Dabi out. He wanted to blow up on him but he knew it wouldn't get him anywhere.

Dabi was surprised he obeyed the man for once sensing he was tired mentally. Dabi had fun annoying him not exhausting him mentally. Dabi sat his boots on the floor by Shigaraki's bed so they wouldn't get lost in the piles of clothes on his floor. Shigaraki was still set on unwinding by playing video games. He picked up his Nintendo Switch.

"Move over." Shigaraki commanded. Dabi obeyed scooting over to the other side of the bed. Shigaraki turned it on he started playing a game Dabi didn't know the name of. Dabi watched him play for a while bored he decided to make conversation. "What's that game called?" He asked. "Animal Crossing." Shigaraki said before focusing back on his game.

"Can I play?" Dabi asked he doubted the man would share but it was worth a shot. "Sure just don't do anything funny to my save file or else I'll take out you're staples one by one." Shigaraki said he handed Dabi the switch. Dabi choose to ignore the threat he picked up the console. The fire villain only expected to play the game a couple minutes and be bored again. Instead he ended up playing it for two hours straight without realizing it.

Shigaraki was on his computer playing a shooting game. Dabi usually didn't like video games they were to complicated for him to understand. He loved Animal Crossings for it's simplicity and easy going style. "I'm going to bed Dabi. Put the switch away." Shigaraki said he turned his computer off. "Why are you going to bed it's only eight." Dabi said Shigaraki pointed to the clock on the wall.

"It's ten thirty Dabi. You like Animal Crossing that much, huh?" Shigaraki asked amused. "It's alright." Dabi said he saved the game before turning it off. "Hm, okay." Shigaraki said not believing him. Dabi placed the switch on his boss's desk not wanting to break it. He liked Animal Crossing alright?

"Turn around." Shigaraki commanded. "Why?" Dabi asked. "Do you think I sleep in up clothes? Turn around unless you want to see me undress." Shigaraki said Dabi blushed. "I bet you're just ugly so you don't want me to see you're body." Dabi said hoping the man wouldn't notice the blush on his cheeks. "I can see you blushing Dabi turn around." Shigaraki said amused.

Dabi wasn't expecting to be caught he turned around finally. Shigaraki was scarily preceptive of the things around him including Dabi. "Alright, I'm done now get out." Shigaraki said he laid down in his bed now in a black hoodie and sweat pants. Dabi didn't listen he got under the covers. "Dabi I'm going to bed." Shigaraki said he didn't understand why Dabi was still here.

"I know shut up then so I can as well." Dabi said he grabbed a hold of Shigaraki's waist dragging him so his back was against Dabi's chest. "Hey, let me go!" Shigaraki said a blush made it's way onto his cheeks. "Go to sleep creep. Dream about world domination like you always do." Dabi said he closed his eyes. Shigaraki huffed but relaxed in his second in commands arms.

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