In This Life And The Next

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Warnings: cussing, death not to in-depth, suicidal thoughts

Touya always got snatches of bloody violent memories before they disappeared and he couldn't remember them. Touya had been diagnosed with PTSD when he was only five years old. Touya had been confused about what the adults had been talking about. Apparently, their was a thing called two timers.

Two timers were people who had a life before. They would remember bits and pieces of their past lives all throughout their life. Some people figured out a clear image of what their life had been like before. Other only got fragments like a consuming unsolvable puzzle.

Touya started getting more of his memories back the older he got. Touya knew the basics his name used to be Dabi he'd been the son of a wealthy hero named Endeavor. He thought he was a villain since he had memories of the man named Dabi laughing manically as he stared down at a smoldering body charred beyond recognition.

Touya had threw up the first time he'd saw it. Now he didn't even flinch to used to the familiar sight. Touya sometimes wished he wasn't a second timer. It was a rare condition only showing up in two percent of the population. Their was also stigma around having it. Touya had got bullied on multiple occasions for having it.

People thought they were taking it for attention or were clinically insane. Touya sometimes thought he was insane to since he would wake up his entire family screaming at the top of his lungs when he remembered the heat of the fire that had consumed his whole body turning him into a monster.

It was symbolic he had been reborn out of the ashes of who he once had been in this life and the last. Touya knew he was a second timer he couldn't make up all those horrid nightmares at the young and tender age of five. He had been innocent unexposed to the horrors of the world until he'd been given that diagnosis.

It wasn't all terrible all the time though. He was pretty sure he had a boyfriend. Touya got memories of blue hair and red eyes. A smile that was cracked but oddly beautiful and endearing. Touya didn't know who the mysterious man was he knew that his past self had loved him dearly.

Touya knew that villains weren't supposed to be given a second chance. They weren't supposed to have good things either. That was why at night he woke up screaming like he'd been stabbed with a knife in his sleep. Touya had seen that beautiful man bloodied neck sliced open and his eyes had been vacant. So so vacant devoid of the life he'd had in all the other memories.

Then he'd felt the all to familiar sensation of pain. The burning hurt him so bad. Everything burned. Everything was on fire and he was dying. That man was dying. What was his name again? Oh, yes he remembered his name. Tomura. Tomura Shigaraki. What a amazing name.

Touya had been held down by his father. No that man wasn't his father he was a stranger. His father had been Endeavor he was a mean and cruel man. That women who claimed to be his mother was on the phone desperately pleading to someone on the phone that they needed his help that he was losing it again.

"Shut up all of you! I can't think with all this racket! I almost about to remember him. I need to remember him." Touya no Dabi said he was about to remember how he had died. He was eighteen it was about time he flailed against the people holding him down they kept telling him to calm down all it did was make him more mad.

"Get off of me!" He yelled he didn't know these people why were they holding down? Did they know about his crimes? Where was he? Dabi knew he had been asleep for a very long time he was now back but he was not the same. He looked down at his hand it wasn't scared the heat that had always been there was gone.

Dabi ended up being taken somewhere he never wanted to go. His family had gotten tired of him sending him to a second timer house where they could control him better. They had said he was going away for a while until he could control his outbursts. The doctors said he wasn't insane and they could help him.

He sure felt like it when they asked him how he felt ten times a day over and over again. He always told the to fuck off which didn't go over well. They took away his phone and told him to stay in his room. He wanted out he wanted to see him. When they asked who he was he wouldn't tell them.

Dabi felt alone he felt like he was going to combust. Dabi no longer had his fire powers evidently quirks no longer existed fazing out decades ago. Dabi almost missed the flames if he had them he would no longer be here anymore everyone would burn and finally leave him alone. Dabi finally complied knowing it wouldn't do him any good to struggle.

Dabi hated all of it especially when they made him sit in a circle on the floor and talk about his feelings. Dabi would give bullshit answers or wouldn't answer at all they didn't care. As long as he wasn't threatening to burn off their faces or cuss them out they were content with his science and lies.

Dabi was in one of the stupid circles when he saw a flash of black hair and blood red eyes in the corner of his eye. He looked towards the new boy who'd been brought into the building that morning. At first Dabi hadn't spared him a glance thinking he was just another second timer who was having another episode according to the doctors.

The boy sat next to him his gaze was vacant staring out at the white wall he had a hand clutched around his own throat like he was trying to stop bleeding. Suddenly, he blinked those beautiful red eyes he turned to look at Dabi. "Hey, my name's Tomura what's yours fuck face?" He asked.

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