Not So Secret Boyfriend

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Tomura grinned he was laying next to his boyfriend on his bed. They were both lazily watching the TV curled up against one another. Tomura's adoptive father was gone for the weekend he was out of town to meet with a potential investor in his bar business.

Kurogiri owned several bars in different cities it was now finally taking off which made both him and Tomura ecstatic. Tomura was laying his head on Dabi's chest he closed his eyes just listening to the quiet movie playing in the background and Dabi's breathing.

"I think I heard someone drive by." Dabi said he grabbed the remote on Tomura's bedside table pausing the movie neither of them was really watching. Tomura had been staring up at the ceiling trying not to fall asleep and Dabi had been busy watching Tomura.

"You're just being paranoid Kurogiri left over four hours ago he shouldn't be back until tomorrow." Tomura said he snuggled further into Dabi's chest hiding his face completely from view.

"Hmm, I guess your right. Does he know that your gay?" Dabi asked he ran his fingers absentmindedly threw his boyfriend's hair. Dabi had come out of his dad a little over a year ago he hadn't cared saying he didn't care what his kids did as long as it didn't effect him. It wasn't the most positive response but he supposed it wasn't bad either.

Tomura hadn't told his dad that he was into men yet. Dabi didn't pressure him but he's silently being urging him towards coming out. It would be much easier than Dabi could come over more than just their monthly study sessions when the man was there instead of sneaking into Tomura's window or out of it.

"No not yet. I honestly forget that you have to explain that to people. Especially, him since it's so easy to be around him since he's well my dad and he adopted me at seven." Tomura said he didn't feel the need to tell Kurogiri. He had almost forgot that he had to tell the man about his boyfriend. Well he didn't have to tell him any of it he wanted to even though he was scared. Tomura knew Kurogiri would most likely be accepting he just couldn't bring himself to take the chance on the occasion he did remember.

Tomura would feel his lips close up the second boyfriend or gay was about to be said. He wasn't shamed the opposite really he'd went to a pride parade with Dabi in June. He'd told Kurogiri he was going to stay with a friend which he was Dabi.

"I get it. I just told me dad when I was walking out the door one morning. He didn't really care." Dabi said he got a weird look from Tomura. Dabi shrugged he knew Tomura was concerned by that response. "It wasn't bad so I don't mind. A absent father who doesn't care what I do is better to me than one who's awful." Dabi explained he didn't care what Enji thought anyways it was convenient to not have to sneak Tomura up to his room anymore when they went to his house though.

"Can I kiss you?" Tomura asked he sat up sitting next to Dabi. Dabi grinned he nodded as he pulled Tomura closer he grabbed the man's face between his hands. Tomura leaned forward he felt the familiar texture of Dabi's tough lips against his own he hummed contently.

They separated both of them catching their breath. Tomura pulled Dabi back in for another kiss he allowed the other man to lay on top of him. Tomura held up himself up with his arms. Tomura heard a noise in the distance he ignored it to distracted by Dabi's lips on his own.

Dabi also failed to notice it he was to busy kissing Tomura and looking at pretty red eyes. The door slammed open startling both of the teens they separated quickly. Tomura's eyes widened as Kurogiri was standing in the doorway a bat in his hand. He dropped it once he saw Tomura he ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Dad what the hell?" Tomura asked confused. He also felt a blush rise to his face as Kurogiri looked between him and Dabi. It was obvious what they had been doing before the man had burst into his room suddenly. Tomura's hair was a mess from where Dabi was playing with it earlier and both of them were avoiding eye contact with the man.

"You weren't answering you phone for the last four hours! Tomura you had me worried sick! Then I heard that someone was here with you and I panicked." Kurogiri scolded the teen who looked away to ashamed to meet his father's eyes.

"Sorry." Tomura said quietly not able to say anything else.

"I am just glad you're okay." Kurogiri said his tone was softer he hugged Tomura again. Tomura accepted the hug going limp in the man's arms feeling awkward since he never really did any physical contact with anyone other than Dabi and Toga who forced her hugs onto him when she got excited. "And I want a explanation for all this. I guessing your the reason for Tomura being distracted by Dabi?" Kurogiri said he  motioned towards both of them with his hand.

Dabi felt his ears turn red he knew that they weren't going to be able to get out of this one. Tomura wasn't going to be able to keep his boyfriend a secret anymore. "I'm his boyfriend." Dabi mumbled he was embarrassed at being caught practically on top of Tomura by his father.

"Is this true Tomura?" Kurogiri asked raising a eyebrow at his son.

"Yes." Tomura said still not able to form more than one word at a time.

"Great I'm making dinner that sponsor pulled out but oh well his loss. Be down in five boys." Kurogiri said he walked away grinning he was just glad his son has found someone to love even if he had to learn about it on accident.

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