Bandages For Bruises

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"You should be more careful, creep." Dabi scolded as he started to wrap the bandage around his boss's hand. The League's leader had been on a mission he had gotten shot by a hero. Dabi wanted to find that hero and burn him to death but Shigaraki stopped him. He'd told the fire user that it wouldn't due anything for him getting shot. Shigaraki also didn't want to take the chance of Dabi getting shot.

"Whatever." Shigaraki said he winced when Dabi tied the bandage to tight. "Watch it will ya?" Shigaraki asked angrily. Dabi chuckled, "Don't get hurt and I won't have to do this." Dabi said amused. Shigaraki sent him a glare Dabi just smiled at him. "I hate you." Shigaraki said but his voice didn't have any venom in it.

"Sure boss say that to the guy who's bandaging you up." Dabi joked. Shigaraki snorted amused Dabi saw blood make the white of the bandages red. Shigaraki looked down at his hand as well. He didn't have a reaction other than scratching his neck lightly. Suddenly his lips upturned into a crazy smile, "Let's kill all those heros." Shigaraki said he laughed manically.

"Whatever you say boss." Dabi said as he grabbed more bandages to stop the bleeding from his other hand. Dabi wrapped it both of them didn't speak after that while Dabi worked. Shigaraki stopped him before he left, "Thanks." Shigaraki said he kissed Dabi on the cheek before leaving. Dabi grinned to himself he'd have to patch up his boss more often.

Dabi walked into the base blood running down his face from a staple coming loose. The fire villain had gotten into a fight with someone who'd wanted to join the League. Dabi not finding them good enough tried to burn them into nothing more than ash. They'd punched him in the face causing a staple to fall out. It didn't hurt him to much he was used to the pain.

Shigaraki immediately lead him to the bathroom though worried about the blood running down his face. Shigaraki helped him put in a new staple. Shigaraki looked more freaked out than Dabi did. After he was done Shigaraki gave Dabi a kiss on the lips before vanishing. Dabi didn't mind being patched up now. Not as much at least.

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