Let's Dance

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Dabi was about to burn the tie in his hand. He'd been trying to figure out how to tie it for the last ten minutes and he was getting frustrated since it wasn't working. Even the YouTube videos he'd been trying to watch didn't help any. Dabi had given up and asked his brother Natsuo to help him. "Their you go Touya!" Natsuo said grinning as he looked at his work.

"Yeah, thanks Natsuo. I hate this stupid thing." Dabi grumbled he hugged his brother before he ran out the door when he heard a car honk. Tomura and Dabi we're going to prom together since it was their last year of highschool. Dabi usually wouldn't agree to go but he would go practically anywhere with his boyfriend.

"Hello." Dabi said once he got in his seat and closed the door.

"Hello, ash tray you look nice this evening." Tomura said he grinned at Dabi. Dabi grinned back he turned on the radio to some rock channel. Tomura rolled his eyes shaking his head fondly he kept his radio on that channel since Dabi liked it.

Once they arrived Tomura got out holding open the car door for Dabi. Dabi smiled and said, "Thank you such a gentleman as always." Tomura had chuckled then he'd lead Dabi into the schools gym into the party. Dabi instantly wanted to go home once he saw all the people dancing and some teenagers doing something illegal in the corner. Dabi thought he'd almost rather hangout with them then hangout with all the ones dancing.

"Are you okay? I can take you home if you want." Tomura said he put his hand on Dabi's shoulder and he gave him a concerned look.

"No no I'll be fine I just don't like this many people. Ew." Dabi said Tomura chuckled he offered his hand to Dabi. Dabi grinned he took it allowing Tomura to drag him out into the dance floor. They danced to the music Tomura's hand was around his waist and Dabi out his arms around the man's neck.

People were staring at them both since they were the only same gendered couple at the whole school. Dabi felt uncomfortable but he ignored it instead focusing on Tomura instead. Dabi had started dating Tomura at the beginning of his Junior year they had been childhood friends then split up once Tomura had moved away to a different school.

During their freshman year he'd came back and they'd hit it off instantly. Dabi had been a popular kid since he was the son of a rich business owner. Dabi knew hanging around Tomura would affect his reputation he didn't care. He'd asked Tomura out and they'd been inseparable since. Girls still tried to flirt with Dabi and it disgusted him could they not see his cute boyfriend that went everywhere with him?

If they didn't see that Tomura was his boyfriend he'd show them. Dabi was pressed into Tomura's chest he rested his head on the taller man's shoulder. Dabi closed his eyes he allowed and trusted Tomura to lead the dance and make sure he was safe. Tomura was humming along to the music Dabi could feel it since he was pressed up against the man's chest.

They just danced for a while ignoring the looks at them that eventually stopped since people moved on to more interesting things. "Want to go get some drinks?" Tomura asked he kissed the top of Dabi's head making the man smile.

"Nah it's probably spiked knowing the kids at this school." Dabi said he swore he saw a few kids almost trip over themselves and their speech was slurred.

"Not what I meant want to leave this joint and go by that tiny noodle shop that serves the soba you like? I'll pay." Tomura said he let go of Dabi he pulled his wallet out of his pocket showing the man it.

"Oh, hell yeah I'd take you up on that offer any day. But since tonight is supposed to be our final send off to adulthood definitely. Let's call it our last date as teenagers." Dabi said he grabbed Tomura's hand and practically dragged him out of the building at the prospect of spending time with Tomura without the judging stares and noodles.

"Woah slow down there." Tomura said chuckling at Dabi's enthusiasm. They got in the car Tomura drove them to the other side of town to the noodle shop that was on the corner of a road that wasn't used often. They got out and went in Dabi was excited they hadn't been there in a while having to study tirelessly for finals for school.

Tomura sat down at a table they only had a few. The place was empty except for them and a tired woman who appeared to be a doctor. "Man I can't believe how good their stuff is when they get like no customers." Dabi said inbetween bites he was eating his food fast almost choking on it a time or two.

"Yeah, I'm not even a fan of noodles but this is good." Tomura said.

"You should take me here if we ever get married." Dabi said he grinned at Tomura winking at him. Tomura felt a blush rise to his cheeks at the mention that they could be married. He knew he could imagine a future with Dabi in it.

Once they finished their food Tomura decided to drive Dabi home. "Thanks for the incredible night even though I didn't really want to go. I'm glad I did." Dabi said he pulled Tomura on for a hug. Tomura hugged back he held the man close for what felt like a long time even though it was probably only a minute or two.

"Get back here." Tomura said he caught Dabi's wrist before he went inside. Dabi grinned he turned around and pressed his lips to Tomura's. When they separated Tomura waved at Dabi before getting into his car. He was sure he was smiling like a idiot when he pulled out of Dabi's driveway he didn't care though.

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