ಶ್ರೀ ಪತಿ ತೀರ್ಥ

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shri gurubyO namaha...hari Om... 

*AshADa shuddha dwAdashi is the ArAdhane of shri shripati tIrtharu of sOsale vyAsarAja maTa.*

shri shripatI tIrtharu...

Parampare : shri sOsale vyAsarAja maTa, #16 

Period: 1594-1612

gurugaLu: shri laxmIkAnta tIrtharu 

shishyaru: shri kambAlUr rAmachandra tIrtharu

Brindavana: rAyavElUr, TN 

*venkaTEsha padAsaktham, vAdibhanga 


*srIpatIndra gurum vandE,  sarvatantrEshu kOvidam||*

shri shripati tIrtharu was on the pITa of sOsale vyAsarAja maTa for 18 years. He is 4th after vyAsarAjaru in the parampare. His gurugaLu was none other than shri laxmIkAnta tIrtharu.  shri laxmIkAnta tIrtharu  was also a great saint who spent most of his time at Penukonda and took special care of nearly 365 idols of mukhyaprANa dEvarus which were installed by shri vyAsatIrtha.

shripathi tIrtharu was a great scholar and defeated anybody who raised objections to madhwAchArya's philosophy or the works of shri vyAsarAjaru. He was a staunch devotee of Tirupati srInivAsa.

shri shripati tIrtharu decided to stay at Shenbakkam on the banks of the River Palar and was doing samasthAna pUja, pATa, pravachane. Several nearby lands at Shenbakkam were donated to him.  

Choosing his successor:

Once shri shripati tIrtharu went to Tirumala and was offering mangaLArathi to shrInivAsa. His holiness prayed Lord to show a perfect disciple for him who could take over the maTa after his period. At that time Sri swAmIji noticed that Sri vijayIndra tIrthA's disciple Sri Ramachandra standing in the queue for darshaNa. Sri shripatI tIrtharu considered it to be the anugraha of shrinivAsa and decided Sri Ramachandra would be the next maTAdhipathi. Sri Ramachandra had done did all his sAstra pATa / Veda adhyAna / Mimamsa studies directly under Sri Ajaya Vijayindraru. shri Ramachandra looked like bright Sun with all Gyana and thus shri shripathi tIrtharu decided that no one other than Sri Ramachandra could take over the maTa and named him Ramachandra tIrtharu.

Shri shripati tIrtha attained his brindAvana at shenbAkkam itself. shri kambAlUr rAmachandra tIrtharu also attained brindAvana there. This place has 6 more mUla brindAavanAs and mrithika brindAvana of rAyaru. So, it is popularly known as nava-brindAvana. All the other 6 mUla brindAvanAs are of sanyAsaigaLus in uttarAdi maTa parampare but they had not adorned the pITa. 

Shri shripati tIrtharu had immense devotion to his mother. He had got her face carved on his brindavana which can be seen in one of the below photos. 

shri shripati tIrtha varada gOvindA gOvindA... 

shri krishNArpaNamastu...

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