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On Sunday morning, I woke up to an empty bed like usual.

George loved getting up in the morning. He loved cooking breakfast and I just liked to sleep in.

I moved over onto George's side, snuggling up with his pillow that smelled just like him.

I opened my eyes and my eyes landed on George who stood in the doorway to our room, smiling at the sight of me with his arms folded over his chest.

"Why are you watching me?"

"Because you're adorable." He tilted his head. "You drool when you sleep, you know."

I quickly wiped my mouth before pulling the duvet up to cover half of my face.

"Are you getting out of bed?" He asked, walking further into the room.

"I just need five minutes, then I will."

George sat down on the edge of the bed, creeping his hand under the duvet to rest it against my thigh, and I closed my eyes, chuckling into the pillow.

"I can't believe I'm marrying an old man." I yawned, causing George to snicker.

"Thirty-seven is old?"

I nodded.

"But I'm getting old too. I'm turning thirty in six months." I said. "I'm not ready to go into my thirties."

"Well... you'll be a beautiful thirty-year-old."

I yawned, hiding it with the duvet before I looked at George.

"I don't mind that you're old." I said. "I like that you're older than me."

George laughed softly, as he brushed his hand up and down my thigh.

"How do you manage to compliment me while insulting me at the same time?"

I turned onto my back and looked at him as I pushed a foot into his lap.

"I look really hot in my wedding dress." I told George. "If you don't cry when I walk down the aisle, I'm divorcing you right away."

He ran his hand up my thigh and started massaging the inside, causing me to let out a heavy sigh.

"Do you remember your tasks for today?" I asked.

George hummed.

"I'll pick up the marriage license and after you've been at your dress-fitting, we'll meet with our florist to do the floral mock-up."

I smiled.

I had practiced the plan with him all week to the point where he had it memorised. I didn't want to risk him forgetting what we were supposed to do or where we were supposed to be.

"Can you believe I'm twenty-nine and I'm about to get married for a second time? Most people my age haven't even been married once."

"Well, considering that you were groomed and basically pressured into marriage at a young age—" he shrugged.

"You love using that, don't you?"

"I love using it to prove how much I dislike Malcolm."

I chuckled and sat up, running a hand up George's back while resting my forehead against his shoulder.

"Do you know what's even more unbelievable?" He asked. "That my son is turning thirteen. We have a teenager in only a couple of months."

I looked at him as the realisation hit me.

"He's probably watching porn." He then added, causing me to laugh. "I'm pretty sure he's watching porn."

"So?" I asked. "You probably had a lot of porn magazines when you were his age."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now