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There is not much left of this story, though I am planning to write a third one with less traumatic shit.


"Can I have ice cream?"

Leah looked up at me as I helped her into her shirt.

"Of course." I smiled. "What kind of ice cream do you want?"

"The good kind."

I chuckled and brushed her hair back with my fingers before reaching for her shoes.

"Strawberry?" I asked and she nodded. "Do you need help with your shoes?"

"No... I can put on my shoes." She said and took them from my hands, starting to put the first one on while Malcolm entered the room. "Mummy did you have the babies? Your stomach isn't that big anymore."

I smiled at her and nodded.

"I did. They're probably sleeping at home." I said. "And Georgie and Roxi are probably cooking for us, right now."

"What are their names?" She asked.

"Well, the boy is named Liam and the girl is named Amelia."

"Amelia?" She asked and looked up at me. "But Mia won."

"I know, baby, but we ended up deciding on Amelia instead." I said. "I hope you're not too upset about that."

She simply shrugged.

"I'll still call her Mia."

When she finished putting on her shoes, she looked to Malcolm who lifted her off the bed.

"Daddy?" She asked. "You're not very nice to mummy sometimes."


"You're kind of an idiot but that's okay, because I still love you. You just have to be nice to mummy because I love her too."

Malcolm glanced at me and I shrugged before he crouched down to be in her height.

"I got you a stuffed animal for your room at my house." He said softly, completely ignoring her comment. "Do you want me to bring it by later?"

Leah nodded.

"You smell funny, daddy."

Malcolm glanced up at me as Leah said that, but quickly looked away and stood up when our eyes met.

"Leah, can you go get my jacket for me?" I asked and motioned towards the chair where it was, and as she walked over to get it, I took a step closer to Malcolm. "Have you been drinking?"

He sighed.

"I can have one glass if I want."

I chuckled.

"You never just have one glass." I said calmly. "You're drunk, aren't you? Is that why you punched George?"

"I punched George because he's a fucking bastard who's trying to act like a dad towards my girls."

"Our girls." I corrected him. "And George is way more of a dad towards them than you are. This is your last chance, Malcolm. Get sober or you won't be seeing them again."

He just stared at me as Leah walked back over and held up my jacket.

"Here you go, mummy."

"Thank you, beautiful." I smiled and put it on before I took her hand. "Ready to go?"

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now