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Warning!: talk of rape

Well this is awkward...

Henry had apparently decided to bring Nadine to the birthday party that George had planned.

Fred was also here and now he and Nadine simply stared at each other while standing across from one another.

Fred was on his fourth glass of something... dunno what it was but it had alcohol in it.


Fred shook his head as Nadine spoke and that instantly shut her up.

"A shame to see you turned out like your father." He said and turned to walk away, probably to get another drink.

Nadine sighed, then turned to look at me and for some reason, I didn't feel the same type of anger towards her that I once did.

"So you're pregnant?" Nadine smiled. "Pregnancy is a bitch."

"You've been pregnant?"

She nodded.

"I had a miscarriage and now I'm unable to have children." She said with a shrug. "But congratulations. I can tell you're already a great parent. They'll be lucky to have you."

The day went by and I almost never left George's side, feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of people, his family included.

I had told him it was okay if he invited them, as long as they respected me.

We had put up this table where people could vote for a first name and middle name for the girl and a middle name for Liam, seeing as we already have his first name.

I was excited to go through the names later and put the full names together.

"You're smiling." George pointed out and looked down at me as I had my arms wrapped around his stomach.

I hummed.

"Yeah... I'm actually enjoying this." I said, and he smiled, kissing my forehead.

"I thought you would."

As I leaned up to kiss him, my phone buzzed in my pocket and then the sound of many phones receiving a mail, hit my ears.

I looked around to see people pulling their phones out, and I decided to do the same.

There was a new mail named Dahlia, and instantly I knew what it was.

My heart sunk the second I saw those very same pictures as well as the many mail addresses they had been sent to.

It was everyone at the party.

"What is it?" George asked and pulled his own phone out of his pocket to check the mail that everyone had received.

I shook my head, not being able to see the screen anymore as I teared up.

"Don't click on it!" I exclaimed and grabbed George's phone out of his hand so I could delete it.

He looked at me in question and as I gave him his phone back, I turned and made my way up towards the house.

"Dia!" George called after me and a second later, I felt him gently grab my arm to stop me from walking. "What's happening? What was in the mail?"

I looked at him.

"I can't— ask anyone here, George. Everyone got it." I continued inside and this time he didn't follow me.

I made my way into the bathroom and closed the door behind me before I leaned on the sink with my hands, taking a few deep breaths.

This isn't happening.

I looked at myself in the mirror and the second I did, I felt something break inside of me, and then the tears came with even more speed than before.

"Dahlia?!" I heard Nadine call and instantly, I locked the door.

"Nadine!" I then heard Fred. "The last thing she needs right now is you going in there and making it worse."

The two started fighting and I sat down on the toilet seat with my hands pressed to my ears to block it out.

It felt like being back in that house. Suddenly I was a child again, surviving the memory of my dad touching me, him constantly abusing me, my mother not caring, my parents fighting on the other side of the door.

After a moment, the shouting stopped and I removed my hands, but then there was a knock at the door.


It was Fred.

I reached out and unlocked the door and he opened it, looking at me.

Nadine was behind him.

"This is not how I expected my birthday to be like." I chuckled through the tears.

"Those— did he take them when you were a child?"

I nodded.

"It was those pictures in that box this morning." I sobbed. "And I burned them and then he just... I didn't even want George to see them and now everyone has."

"George is making sure everyone delete them properly." He told me. "Not that he doesn't trust them, but..."

I nodded, running my shaking hands over my face.

"I didn't know that was happening." Nadine spoke, probably to herself.

She stepped forward to stand next to Fred.

"It only happened twice." I muttered.

"That doesn't make a difference!" She said. "He was supposed to be our dad and instead he—"

She scoffed, folding her arms over her chest.

I looked up at her.

"He never did it to you?"

She shook her head and I looked down again.

What was so wrong with me that I was the one he decided to molest? I was just a child...

"I'm guessing you want the party to end?" Fred asked, and I nodded in response.

There was no way I could walk out there among friends and George's family after they just saw pictures of me that obviously showed I was about to be raped.

"I'll go tell George, then." Fred said. "Will you be okay here with Nadine."

I nodded again and Fred left, leaving me with my sister.

I took a deep breath and sat up straight, looking down at my stomach before I looked at the tinted windows.

"I'm so sorry he did that to you, Dahlia." Nadine said. "If I had known—"

She sighed.

"Fred and I was planning to apply for custody over you so we could get away."

I laughed.

"Yeah, well instead you faked your own death and dragged him with you."

"I know... and I'm sorry." She said. "I don't know how to show you that I mean it. I'm not like that anymore. I've had a lot of therapy. Henry forced me to and it ended up being good for me."

As she mentioned Henry, he showed up in the doorway, looking at me.

"Is he living with Melissa?" He asked. "Where we grew up?"

I shrugged.

"The aurors have been looking for him for a while. He wouldn't stay where they could catch him."

"Well, did Melissa know that was happening?"

I sighed.

"I don't know, Henry." I said. "I don't feel like talking about this, okay? Just... piss off."

"I'm going to see her." He said. "I'll be back here but I'm gonna make it clear to her what kind of mother she was."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now