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Guess who hasn't been to school since the first day of school on August 9th.

Yeah... my anxiety and depression had been too overwhelming lately that I haven't been able to go no matter how hard I try and now I have to go to a meeting on Tuesday to figure out how to get me to school, seeing as I'm not allowed to live where at live if I don't attend school, and I also get my money from my school so...


I told Leah to wait in her room and play with some toys until I came and got her for dinner.

Right now, I needed to make something perfectly clear to Ginny.

I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen, all four eyes landing on me.

I sighed.

"I have given you no reason to hate me." I said, looking at Ginny. "You decided the first time we met, that because my parents supported Voldemort back in the nineties, that automatically means I support him to."

I took a step towards her where she sat with a glass of wine.

"You don't know anything about me. You've known me for three years, yet you don't know me as a person because you've set yourself this fantasy of who I am which by the way is a complete lie."

I pulled out a chair to sit across from her.

"You want to know why I was hugging my dad?" I asked. "I did that because he told me to and for your information, I am absolutely fucking terrified of him. He's supposed to be in Azkaban but he got out and now he's tormenting my life like he did while I was a child and lived under his roof."


"No." I cut George off, my eyes focused on Ginny. "Do you realise how easy you've had it?"

"Easy?" She scoffed. "As far as I'm concerned, you grew up rich, didn't you? My family grew up poor... is that having it easy?"

"You grew up with love." I said. "I grew up with a mum who had children to have control over someone and a dad who would lock his own children in the basement as a punishment and use their fears against them. My older brother had to leave the country when he was eighteen, just to get away while my older sister faked her death. Not once in my life, have I wanted to be like my parents and I am far from what they wanted me to be."

I leaned back in the chair.

"I remember back when I first met you and you basically blamed me for Fred's death." I said. "I was twelve years old when the war happened — what did you expect me to have done? I was a child trying to survive my own fucking family. With the abuse and the torture, I could've been killed in that home, but I didn't. I survived only to meet you and have you treat me like I'm one of them."

I took a deep breath and ran my thumb over my bottom lip before I stood up.

"You and your mother better start respecting me, or you won't get to see your niece and nephew once they're born."

"Dia..." George spoke again, and I looked at him.


"That's not a decision you can make on your own?"

"No? Watch me... why should they get to see the children I carry when they can't respect their mother?" I asked. "I'm tired of being treated like shit and I'm tired of you standing by and watching it happen."

He watched my face for a moment before he looked at Ginny.

"Thank you for telling me."

I sighed and Ginny stood up.

"I'll call you later." She told him before she left through the fireplace.

George looked at me again and I teared up.

"You weren't going to tell me, were you?"

I shook my head.

"He told me not to. He's threatening to hurt Elsie and Leah." I gulped. "I have to meet him tomorrow at noon."

"That's not happening."

"George—" I let out a groan and tugged at my hair. "...what am I supposed to do here? He's threatening to hurt Elsie and Leah! He's already been inside of our house..."

"So you thought handling this yourself would be the right solution?" He asked. "You know what we're gonna do, Dia?"

"We're not talking to the ministry."

"Yes we are!" He raised his voice. "He can go to Azkaban for threatening someone, for breaking into someone's house. He's harassing you!"

I didn't reply. I tried my hardest not to cry, but all these feelings overwhelmed me and when George noticed, he wrapped his arms tightly around me and hugged me against his chest.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice." He said softly, resting his head against mine. "Tell me what happened, please."

I took a deep breath.

"I just went to talk to Malcolm but while we were talking, his mum walked into the kitchen and then my dad did as well. He hadn't told me that they were there. My dad threatened to hurt the girls if I didn't go for a walk with him, so I did. He went on and on about me not being the person he wanted me to be and then he told me to hug him, and I didn't want to but..." I sighed. "I can still feel his hands on me and hear his voice and I can still smell that cologne that scared me as a child."

I pulled out of the hug but I kept my arms around George as I looked up at him.

"The day he got sentenced, was the happiest day of my life." I said while George wiped my cheeks clean. "And now— I feel like I'm back. I feel like I'm twelve years old again, trying to survive his violence."

George leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"We'll eat dinner now and then I'll call Fred and ask him to be here with Leah and Roxanne while we go to the ministry, okay? We'll talk to Shacklebolt and file a report on what happened."

I nodded.


He kissed my forehead for the second time before hugging me again, swaying the two of us from side to side.

"Can you put the food on the table?" He asked. "I'll go give Roxi hers and bring Leah back down."

I nodded and watched as George grabbed one of the plates with food before leaving the kitchen.

I wiped my eyes, letting out a heavy breath before I grabbed some of the other plates and placed them on the table before putting some juice on the table as well.

After I found some glass and put them down too, I fed Charley, seeing as it didn't look like George had done that yet.

"This doesn't mean I like you, okay?" I asked as Charley looked up at me before I crouched down and put his bowl on the floor. "You are an annoying dog."

When I stood up again, George walked into the kitchen, Leah running in front of him.

She was smiling widely as she pulled herself up to sit in her chair.

"Hey, I haven't told you Leah and Roxi's suggestions for a name for the girl." George said, walking over to me.

"Please don't tell me it's ugly names."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"So, Roxanne either wants Amelia or Fiona, and Leah said Mia."

"Oh, well they aren't actually bad." I said, surprised. "I like the name Fiona."

"So do I."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now