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I decided to hurry up with the chapter to give you all some relief after the last sense in chapter four.


I sat on the bed, arms folded over my chest as I watched George walk around the room, getting out of his clothes to get ready for bed.

I was still upset that he hung up without telling me he loves me. And that he left this morning without saying goodbye or kissing me.

Though he looked really hot, moving around the room. He was currently shirtless, only wearing his trousers and the way his hair fell natural around his face, made me—


I scoffed at my own thoughts, rolling my eyes at myself which earned George's attention. He looked at me and with a small chuckle, he turned his whole body towards me.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I shrugged as George made his way over to stand in front of me.

"You scoffed."

I looked up at him as he spoke.

"I did." I confirmed. "But now at you. You're not worth it."

George cocked an eyebrow and leaned down, causing me to lean back. He placed a hand on either side of my thighs, his face inches away from mine.

"Did I do something to upset you?"

"You didn't say; I love you."

George scanned my face with his eyes, before raising his eyebrows.


"Today!" I shoved him in the chest and he straightened up. "Every time we talk on the phone, one of us say; I love you before we hang up and today you hung up on me without saying it and before I got the chance to."

He continued to look at me, scanning my face before he took a few steps back and laughed.

"That's what you're upset about?"

"Shut up!" I exclaimed, jumping a bit on the bed as if I was a child throwing a tantrum. "You also left this morning without kissing me goodbye."

George continued to laugh, obviously finding the whole situation funny, but I didn't. I was petty and I was upset.

"Beautiful... why don't you go take a pregnancy test?" He asked. "If it's positive, it'll cheer you up and if it's negative, you'll have a valid reason to be upset."

I gasped at his brutal joke, getting off the bed to jump him, but instead he managed to pull me over his shoulder, spin us around before throwing me on the bed.

He grabbed behind my thighs and pulled me to the edge of the bed and as I continued to fight him, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them against the mattress.

"You done?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me again.

He rested his forehead against mine before he kissed me softly and then he looked at me again.

"I love you." He whispered. "You already know that."

"Yeah but when you don't say it after a phone call, I start to overthink it and I assume you find me annoying."

"You could never annoy me, Dia." He said, kissing me again. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

He kissed me each time he told me he loved me, and I ended up breaking into a series of chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You know, I'm actually so in love with you that it hurts." He told me. "And I need you to remember that each time you start overthinking."

"Each time." I scoffed. "You say that as if it happens often."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now