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I started school today.

I only had to sit there for 2 hours because I only have one class for a few months before I get a full schedule.

Though the class I have is math and I hate it.

Also, my sister turns 16 today and this is the first time in those 16 years that I wasn't there celebrating it with her in person.

Though that's okay. I was there with her on Saturday.

Also, I'm considering asking my dad if I can spend Christmas with him this year because otherwise I'll be all alone and I've never been alone for Christmas.


The present
August 6th of 2015

I woke up to Inez hitting me with a pillow over and over again, only stopping when I let out a groan and kicked her.

"Ow!" She exclaimed and I snickered into my pillow before I lifted my head to look at her. "Fucking bitch."

She hit me again, this time in the head and I immediately sat up, scowling at her.

"Don't call me a bitch, when you're the one waking me up this early!" I exclaimed, grabbing my own pillow to throw it at her.

"It's my job!" She argued. "You're getting married today and we have a time line we need to be following!"

I sighed, laying back down.

"Unless you don't want to?"

I shook my head.

"I do. Of course I do."

"Then get up. You'll take a shower, eat a healthy breakfast and at eight, you'll have your hair and your makeup done. At ten, we'll—"

"Eat lunch." I nodded. "I know. We've only gone over it a hundred times."

I sat up again, taking a deep breath as I looked towards the bathroom.

"I'm going." I told her. "I'll see you downstairs."

Inez gave me a sceptic look but as she left the room, I got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

I was nervous about today.

Maybe a bit too nervous. Mostly because George had this big family and they were all gonna be there and the only people I had were Inez, Dove, then Henry too.

Oh, and the kids.

I could talk to Bill. I had known him for a long time. And I was great friends with Fred.

Charlie, I knew didn't have anything against me and we could talk but we've never really had a chance to get to know each other and he's the type who stays away from conflict and there's practically always conflict when I'm there.

Percy and I get along well, Ron is awkward around me, as if he's scared that I'll get mad easily and kill him right there. The kind of fear that you experience people show around death eaters.

And Ginny...

Well she certainly dislikes me. She made that very clear from the first time I met her and somehow, that's of more comfort for me than Molly acting like she likes me.

She keeps questioning her sons relationship to me and a few times I've experienced Arthur standing up for me and he rarely disagrees with Molly, not wanting to fight with her.

After my shower, I put my hair in a towel, put on a pair of shorts and a shirt before I joined Inez and Dove downstairs where they were with their three children.

They adopted Rosie, Marcus and Jack last year but they had called them mum for about two years now.

"Hi beautiful." I smiled at ten-year-old Rosie who sat with a book on the sofa, glancing up quickly when she saw me.

"Good morning auntie Dahlia."

I raised an eyebrow at her formal way of speaking before I turned to look at Inez and Dove.

"She's had her nose stuck in that book for the last week." Dove said. "It's about a princess and her biggest dream is now to be one."

"I don't want to be a princess." Marcus said as he took a seat at the table.

"No?" I smiled. "What do you want then?"

"To become the minister of magic!"

"The minister of magic?" I asked. "That sounds exciting. You'll be a fantastic minister."

I looked at Inez as she walked over and shoved me towards the table.

"Sit down and eat." She told me. "You took a pretty long shower and we have an hour until hair and makeup."


I was sitting in a robe, my hair finally dry as Dove did it. After my hair, she'd do my makeup.

I couldn't stop thinking about today. Having to stand in front of his family, knowing some of them didn't like me, scared the shit out of me.

But his sisters-in-law and brother-in-law would be there as well and they all seemed very nice.

"Stop chewing on your nails!" Inez marched over and swatted my hand away. "You just had them done this week."

She held my hand and looked at them before sighing.

"I'll get my nail kit at home." She said. "You can't walk down the aisle, looking like this."

I rolled my eyes.


Inez shook her head at me as she walked to the fireplace to get out of here, and I sighed quietly, looking at my hands while Dove continued to do my hair.

"You're not very excited about all of this, are you?" She asked from behind me, making me freeze for a moment.

"I want to marry George."

"I know you do, but I remember how you were at your wedding with Malcolm. You wanted to marry him but you hated the wedding."

"We've been planning this for a year, and Inez... I can't ruin it for her."

"Ruin it for her?" Dove laughed. "This is your wedding. You get married for your sake, not for others, but that's the problem, isn't it?"

"What is?"

"You've always done what others told you to." She said. "Your mother told you to marry Malcolm, so you did. Your mother told you to take the job in Gringotts, so you did. Malcolm wanted a third child so you agreed to try while being on the potion because you couldn't tell him no. It even took George telling you to apply for your dream job, for you to actually do it and now you're having a wedding that you actually don't want. When are you gonna stand up for yourself and do what you want?"

"I already told you that I do want to marry him."

"But you can get married without this whole wedding. You don't need a fancy dress or makeup. All you need is an officiant and a marriage license."

I shook my head slightly, making sure not to move too much so that she wouldn't accidentally mess up my hair.

"I've already got the dress, though." I said. "And I want this. We've already spent a lot of money on everything."

I was just nervous.

Dove didn't know what she was talking about.

There was a big difference between being nervous and not wanting this kind of wedding.

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