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Meget George Benjamin Staugaard.

George because of George Weasley. Benjamin because my friend suggested it and Staugaard because that's my middle name and what I use as my surname.

I was supposed to get him tomorrow but I couldn't wait so I picked him up today :)

I was supposed to get him tomorrow but I couldn't wait so I picked him up today :)

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"Rise and shine!"

A voice filled the room and the sun shun straight into my face as the curtains were pulled from the windows.

"Why are you two still in bed?!" I realised the voice was Inez. "We've got a long day ahead of us! All of us!"

She grabbed the duvet and ripped it off of us, making me sit up immediately while George simply groaned and rolled onto his side, throwing an arm over my thighs.

"Inez, what—"

"I've cooked a healthy breakfast meal for the two of you." She said. "Fred did a bit of helping. He's downstairs. After breakfast, you—"

Inez folded up the duvet and used it to slap George's leg, causing him to twitch slightly but he continued to sleep.

"Is he being serious?" She asked. "George, wake up!"

"Fuck off." George mumbled into the pillow. "Or I'll make Dia fire you."

"Fire me? Bitch, I am her best friend, practically her sister. I knew her before you did. You cannot fire me."

"Inez—" I held out a hand. "...we could've been naked."

"So?" She asked. "It's nothing I haven't seen before... well, you I mean. And George... well I'm not into the thing he's got going on between his legs."

I let out a small chuckle and placed a hand on George's arm, shaking him gently.

"Have you had a good nights sleep?" Inez asked and when I nodded, she turned to grab two bottles of water from the dresser, throwing one at me and one at George which finally got him to sit up as it hit him in the head.

"Ow! You want me to have a bruised face tomorrow?" He asked and rubbed his temple as he sat up.

"You two need to drink a lot of water." Inez told us. "Stay hydrated or I'll throw random bottles of water at you throughout the day."

She pointed to George.

"First thing for you to do is double check with the vendors."

"I did that earlier this week." He mumbled and rubbed his eyes. "Inez get out of our room."

"Oi! Respect me you talk man with a head full of ginger hair!" She said, pointing a finger at him. "If you two aren't down in five minutes, I'll come up here with a bucket full of water."

She left the room and closed the door behind us before George laid back down with a groan, wrapping an arm around me.

"Five more minutes."

"Five more minutes will turn into five hours." I told him and leaned down, kissing his cheek. "Get up my love. We have to prepare for tomorrow."

"I know." He pouted, his eyes closed as I then kissed his jawline, seeing the faint smile form on his face.

He rolled onto his back and I swung a leg over his body, kissing my way down his neck and over his chest.

"Dia—" he whimpered, brushing his fingers through my hair. "...don't do that. I can't get hard now."

"Are you gonna get up?" I asked, continuing down his stomach, but when he propped himself up on his elbows, I stopped and looked at him with a slight smirk.

"You're a wicked wicked woman."

"Yeah?" I asked. "Yet you're marrying me."

I went to get off of him but he lifted his leg to prevent me.

"I never said it was a bad thing."

I rolled my eyes playfully at him before I leaned down to kiss him.

"Let's get dressed."

I got off of him and off the bed, walking to the dresser to get myself a bra before walking into our wardrobe.

"What are we gonna do about the house situation?!" I called as I pulled my shirt over my head and put on the bra.

"I thought we agreed to not worry about that right now?" He called back, and I rolled my eyes, finding a pair of shorts to pull on as well as a t-shirt.

I grabbed the clothes I had slept in and walked into our room, George still in bed.

"I never thought I'd enjoy not having any kids in the house, this much." He said and watched me as he laid there, his arms behind his head.

"C'mon, get up." I said, patting his leg before folding my clothes to put it on my side of the bed so that it was ready for tonight.

"Maybe the situation is a good thing."

"How is it a good thing?" I asked. "We love this house. The children loves the house. We bought it and now we're getting kicked out because they've decided to build flats in Godric's hollow?"

George sat up.

"Yeah, but do you remember after I proposed? We talked about wanting to live in a farm house one day, grow old in a house in the middle of nowhere." He said, using his foot to poke the side of my thigh. "Just without the many farm animals though. Maybe we can find a house and get some chickens, yeah?"

He reached for my thighs to pull me closer to him but I grinned as I moved away to find my hair brush and brush my hair.

"George... up." I told him. "Or would you rather have Inez walk back in here and pour a bucket of water over you?"

"Give me a kiss and I will."

I tilted my head at him before walking over, leaning down to kiss him while George wrapped a hand around the back of my thighs, digging his nails into my flesh.

It caused me to moan softly against his lips and George then pulled me back for an even deeper kiss.

He urged me to get on top of him, and once I did, I was straddling his hips, wrapping my arms around his neck.

George grunted against my lips as I rocked my hips against his. He ran his hands down to grab my arse, helping me rock against him.

I bit down on his lip before I trailed my lips down his neck, hearing the way he was breathing heavily into my ear.

"We can't do this right now." I whispered, but I continued to kiss his neck, rocking my hips against him. "Inez could come up here at any moment."

George hummed.

"Bathroom." He whispered. "We'll just tell them we're taking a shower."

He moaned when I kissed his sweet spot behind his ear.

"Yeah?" I whispered, hearing him chuckle softly.

"I need you."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now