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Alright so...

I have no money and I don't get more until next week and I was hungry and didn't have anything so now I'm paying off a pizza until May.

Why do I find that so hilarious lmao



I used to hate the holidays. It meant that I had to go home and be with my family. The same family that abused me.

Christmas was never anything special.

But now, I've got my own family to spend it with.

Eloise and I were baking Christmas biscuits together.

Two pregnant women in a kitchen. It's great.

"A little bird told me you've got a name for your son." I said with a smile, and glanced at Eloise while using biscuit forms to cut out the dough in different shapes.

"Fred told you?" She asked with a smile and I hummed. "We're not announcing it until the birth."

I nodded.

"Fair enough." I smiled. "Well... have you started the nursery yet?"

"We have, actually!" She said. "I painted the walls this sky blue colour and Fred walked in and laughed because he could've used magic... but I like to be able to do some things on my own without Fred walking in with his dumb wand."

She rolled her eyes at the thought and I chuckled.

"Not to offend your world and the whole magical thing." She hurried to clarify as she looked at me. "I think magic is great... I mean, I nearly had a stroke when Fred first told me, but it's great, though doing some things in the way I'm used to, doesn't hurt."

I hummed.

"Yeah... I would do some things the muggle way but I have no clue about any of it. George and I tried to put the cribs together for the twins and we had to end up getting Inez' brother to come and help."

"Oh, right I know absolutely nothing about putting a crib together." She said. "Fred did it the first time around. He found a spell or something that worked and I'm probably getting him to do it this time around as well."

"Good." I nodded. "We carry these bastards. The least they can do is... well do anything we ask them to."

Eloise laughed.

I was in my third trimester, finally. That meant I was getting closer and closer to giving birth.

I was twenty-nine weeks along and I was still having so many contractions. Though not the real kind.

Then there's heartburn and still the fucking rib pain.

Still no stretch marks.

They don't kick a lot right now but they move around and roll over and I can feel everything.

Currently, I'm not craving anything. Actually, I don't have much of an appetite but I force myself to eat so that I meet the right amount of calories.

"Can I please wake up Freddie?" Roxanne asked as she walked into the kitchen. "He's been asleep for ages and I want to use his phone."

I looked up at the clock.

"Okay." I said. "But don't hit him like the last time, alright?"

"I can't promise anything." She shrugged and turned around, walking out of the kitchen before turning to walk up the second pair of stairs in the house.

"She's really hitting those pre-teen years, huh?" Eloise asked.

"She's nine." I sighed. "So yeah... can't imagine her as a teenager. She'll be even sassier than she is now. She's got that from her dad."

Eloise chuckled and I looked at her as she seemed to think about something.

"You know, Georgia has started doing this thing where she pulls her shirt off and run around the house, shouting that she's just like daddy." She told me. "Fred almost never wears a shirt when we're just the three of us home and Georgia wants to be like him so she's starting by taking off her shirt."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's adorable."

"Dia!" George shouted from upstairs. "I can't find my underwear!"

I paused and Eloise and I exchanged a glance before I wiped off my hands and made my way upstairs.

George stood in the wardrobe, looking through his clothes with a white towel wrapped around his hips.

"We just did laundry." He complained. "Where's my underwear gone?"

I walked over to him and looked into the dresser underneath the closet.


It was completely empty.

George sighed, then opened the doors in the closet and that too was completely empty.

Then we heard giggles.

"Leah." He said and I looked at him, chuckling.

"That's definitely my daughter." I nodded and turned around, walking out of the room only to see Leah run across the landing and up the stairs to the second floor. "Leah, darling!"

I followed her upstairs and saw her throw herself onto the sofa up here.

"It was Freddie!" She shrieked with laughter, hiding her face with a pillow.

I laughed and managed to pull the pillow away from her before I pulled her over my shoulder, hearing her continue to shriek with laughter.

There was absolutely nothing better than hearing your child laugh like that. It was one of those belly laughs.

I carefully threw her on the sofa and instead started tickling her.

Her laughter could probably be heard in most parts of the house. I chuckled and as I stopped tickling her, I crouched down.

"Mummy, I don't like tickles!"

"I'm sorry baby." I chuckled. "Now... where did you put Georgie's clothes? I'm sure he's gonna need them, yeah?"

Leah leaned closer to my ear, and cupped her left hand on one side of her mouth.

"I threw them in the pool."

The pool... right.

"Well... let's go get them and get them clean before Georgie finds out, yeah?"


She jumped off the sofa and took my hand before we made us way downstairs.

I put a finger to my lips as I looked down at her, gesturing for her to be quiet as we snuck past me and George's bedroom.

We continued down to the ground floor and walked outside and towards the pool.

"Leah, darling." I sighed when I saw all George's clothes scattered in the dirty pool water. "Oh...—"

Don't swear.

"My wand..." I muttered to myself and pulled out my wand, using a charm to get the clothes out of the water and while keeping it in the air, I dried it and then I made it fold itself and fly up towards the house to land on the bench up on the terrace.

"Alright, go get a bag so we can carry it." I said and as we walked back towards the house, Leah ran inside.

She returned with a bag and I put George's clothes in it before we walked inside.

"Go play." I told Leah and ruffled her hair before I walked up to the bedroom.

The door was closed and when I opened it, George stood butt naked.

"Didn't feel like wearing the towel anymore, I see."

"Did you get my clothes?" He asked. "Where'd she put it?"

I shrugged.

"Oh, she had just hidden it under her bed."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now