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I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. George was sleeping next to me, sleeping on his stomach.

He was snoring.

Then I felt it again, and I sat up straight, letting out a grunt.

Shit that hurts.

"George..." I used my hand to shove his hip and he muttered something in his sleep.

The pain kept being there and I ended up having to bite down on my hand.

Oh god.


"George!" I yelled, this time hitting him in the back and he woke up immediately.

"What? What are you doing? Why are you— I was asleep." He said all confused as he propped himself up on his elbows to look at me.

"Get up."

He frowned as he sat up, continuing to look at me.

"Are you okay?"

"I think I'm—" I shook my head. "I'm having contractions."

"Yeah, I know... you've been having those for months now."

"Not braxton hicks, you idiot!" I exclaimed and his eyes immediately widened.

"Oh... oh!" He got out of bed. "Shit... what do I— do I call someone, do I—"

I pulled my legs over the edge of the bed, taking a deep breath as I felt the contraction stop.

"Call... fuck, Inez has children. Call— I don't know, George! Call someone who can watch the girls if we need to go to the birth clinic!"

"Yes, alright! I'll do that! Do you need anything? I'm gonna bring you some water... water's fine, right? I'll bring you water!"

He hurried out of the bedroom and I sighed.

This was now what I wanted. Not now. I was thirty-three weeks pregnant. I had three weeks until my goal.

I ran a hand over my forehead and decided to get up and start packing in case we needed to go get these babies.

We hadn't even packed the bag yet.

For fuck sake.

I didn't know when my next contraction would be but I knew about pregnancy. I had been pregnant twice before.

It would probably come in around ten minutes or so. I was already hating this and I needed it to be over.

I saw some positive about early labour. I'd get to meet my babies early and I'd get to stop being pregnant.

Though I saw some negative things too. My babies would be premature and they'd probably have to be on some type of oxygen once they came out because their lungs wouldn't have finished developing.

"I've called Freddie and Lee." George said. "Yeah... I called them both. Didn't know who to choose so they're both gonna be here soon... oh, and I brought you a glass of water."

I looked at George and he handed me the water that I drank all of in one go. I pushed the glass back into his hand and continued packing.

I was stressing about it, almost panicking.

"Dia..." George put the glass on the floor before he placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. "...let me do the packing. You're stressing and that'll make you forget something."

I nodded.

"Okay... okay then. I just— I'm gonna go downstairs. If I'm gonna be in pain until the morning, I'd rather be in pain on the sofa." I said. "Did you call Meg?"

"Oh fuck." He cursed. "I'll do that. I promise I'll do that right away."

As I walked downstairs, another contraction hit me and I moaned in pain, having to hold onto the railing to keep my legs from giving in.

I closed my eyes.

Deep breaths.

"Oh fuck me!" I cried out.

"No thanks." I heard Lee say and I laughed through the pain, feeling annoyed with his sudden presence.

When I opened my eyes, I saw both him and Fred stand by the fireplace down in the entrance hall.

Fred walked over to turn on the light and I squinted my eyes at the brightness.

"I can't do this." I breathed. "I've changed my mind. I do not want another child!"

"Yeah I think it's a bit too late for that." Fred said as he walked up to help me down the stairs. "You've got two on the way, princess."

I shook my head while he helped me to sit, and luckily, the contraction ended again.

"I dunno what I was thinking!" I exclaimed. "I'm a lot older now than I was the last time I was pregnant. I was twenty-four the last time I gave birth and I was eighteen the first time! Now I'm thirty and I'm having twins! How do someone just give birth to twins like that?"

"Well..." Lee shrugged and looked at Fred. "Molly did it."

"Molly's a bitch!" I spat, before looking at Fred. "No offence."

"No offence taken. She's not treating you right."

"And neither is my own unborn kids." I sighed. "I swear they are trying to kill me."

Lee snorted.

"You see, Dahlia, when someone goes into labour—"

"I know how labour works, Lee!" I snapped at him. "I've had two children before... just never two at the same time."

Fred sat down in the armchair while Lee stayed standing,

"I can't wait to be hot again." I sighed, leaning back and closing my eyes.

"What do you mean? You are hot." Fred said. "I mean... you aren't my type but—"

"Please..." I held up a hand. " dated my sister. You got her pregnant and you loved her so you can't tell me I'm not your type."

"I'm sorry?" He asked, and I looked at him to see him stare back at me. "I got her pregnant? What... no I didn't."

"Wait... I don't think I should've said that." I said. "Maybe it wasn't even your child. She just told me she was pregnant."

Fred looked at Lee who tried to act like he wasn't listening to the conversation and then Fred looked at me again.

"Well did she have the fucking baby?"

"No." I said. "Please don't say anything... I shouldn't have mentioned it."

"Don't say anything?" He exclaimed. "She might've been pregnant with my baby at one point and not told me about it!"

George came walking down the stairs with the hospital bag in one hand and a pair of sweatpants in his other.

"You okay?" He asked me, handing me the sweatpants. "Throw these on. We're going to the clinic. The team are getting ready for us to arrive. They need to check if you have to give birth now or if they have to do something to stop the labour."

"Stop the labour?" I laughed. "Right, so if they decide that, I'll have to wait until I go into labour again? Fantastic."

I stood up and pulled on the sweatpants before a third contraction hit me and I sat down quicker than I had stood up and at the same time, I grabbed onto George's hand for support.

"We can wait." I groaned. "We can go but— oh fuck I'm gonna die."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now