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Hi again.

I just matched with a guy I went to boarding school with. I thought it was a mistake that he swiped right on me but apparently he remembers me.


We had officially moved into our new home.

Leah and Roxi were absolutely loving it as well as their new rooms.

On top of that, I was twenty-two weeks old. We had been at an appointment and each baby was about twelve inches long and weighed about a pound each.

The only symptoms I have at the moment is the babies putting a lot of pressure on my pelvis.

Standing up after sitting down hurts. It feels like they could almost fall out with the current positions they are in.

My feet has started to swell which is a part I certainly did not look forward to, and my wedding ring is also starting to feel tight so now I've taken it off and I probably won't be able to wear it until after the pregnancy once the swelling goes down.

The fact that I've got so many third trimester systems in my second trimester, makes me think I'll go into labour early on.

Still no stretch marks though so that's a plus.

George has been able to feel them kick for the first time. He's tried before but he could never feel it — it was just me.

"Jesus christ." I groaned when I joined George in the sofa on the first night of us living in our new home.

I had a bag of sweets in my hand that I got from honey dukes yesterday after work.

"You okay?"

"Just hurts a little." I muttered, trying to get comfortable. "I'm starting to think trying for a baby wasn't such a good idea."

"Well, there's no turning back now." George chuckled and reached over to place his hand against my stomach. "In three months, we'll meet our little angels."

"Oh shit." I whimpered. "I'll have to breastfeed twins. I won't get any sleep. I'll have to pump breast milk! I'll feel like a cow again!"

"Yeah, but if you pump breast milk, you don't have to get up every time they need a feeding." He said, pointing at himself while wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"And I won't be sexy anymore." I groaned which caused him to laugh.

He wrapped his arm over my thighs and pulled my legs over his thighs.

"I still think you're sexy."

"There is nothing sexy about a body that has just had a baby." I said. "Or... two."

"What— yes there is!" He argued. "You're making life right now, gorgeous. Two lives."

"And I love that! But I don't like the way my body looks afterwards and I hate leaking milk."

I ate some of my sweets and as George went to take some as well, I moved the bag out of his reach.

"What are you doing?"

He frowned at me.

"I know you hate sharing, but c'mon... it's me."


"So... get your own."

"Well, I would've, but you ate them too."


Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now