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I stared at Inez with an open mouth as she entered the house again with her brother following along, a bag over his shoulder.

They took off their shoes before walking into the main room, and he smiled while Inez let out a breath.

"Dahlia, nice seeing you again." He said and held out a hand that I walked over to shake.

"Pierce." I greeted with a faint smile. "I haven't seen you since... it must've been two-thousand and four, right?"

"Probably... I don't really remember." He admitted and I nodded, taking a step back.

"Well, Pierce, that's Fred and George." Inez introduced the guys who simply lifted a hand each to greet him with a wave. Then Inez turned to smile at me. "Remember how I once told you that Pierce had gotten into gynaecology as a career?"

My eyes widened.

"Your brother will not be looking at my uterus!"

Pierce laughed, sending his sister a look while he stepped back.

"You think I brought my brother to look at your uterus?!" She asked. "He's here to give you an ultrasound on the outside of your body. You're nine weeks pregnant and you have no proof that your baby is anywhere near healthy."

That's how I ended up laying on the bed upstairs, Pierce using a ultrasound travel set to give me an ultrasound.

George stood there, looking at the small screen that stood on the nightstand.

Inez too was in here and so was Fred, both being very excited.

"You must've been confused when Inez showed up on your doorstep." I said. "You don't talk often, do you?"

"We talk at birthdays." He said. "The new world she discovered when she turned eleven, caught all of her attention and took her away from us."

Inez is the only witch in her family. Everyone else are muggles.

"Alright, I didn't mean to fall out with all of you." Inez said. "It was mostly mum and dad and you know that."

"Well, Elbert and I both offered to be there for you but you saw us as enemies like you did with mum and dad."

Inez shrugged.

I knew she had a relationship with her family. She saw them for the holidays and every birthday as well but her parents didn't understand the damage that the wizarding war did.

They were muggles so they didn't understand the whole war.

"Well, your baby is healthy." Pierce told me, offering me a smile. "There's definitely a—"

He froze, his eyebrows knitting together as he looked at the screen more intensely.

"What?" I asked. "Don't fucking tell me I miscarried. I cannot do that again... we've tried for a year and—"

"There is a second heartbeat." He told me and I nodded slowly.

"Wait, there is?" George quickly asked and moved closer to look at the screen while Fred got happy for some reason and Inez' eyes went wide.

"Well I hope so." I said, looking around at them all. "I'd be dead if there weren't."

It was their turn to stare at me.

"How can someone be that dumb?" Fred asked. "And that's coming from me."

"What?" I asked. "Will someone tell me what I'm missing?"

"Dahlia." Pierce turned off the machine and pulled his gloves off after offering me some paper towels to wipe the gel off my stomach. "Obviously you have a heartbeat, but I wouldn't be able to detect that on this. There're two heartbeats in your uterus. You're having twins... identical. Congratulations."

I stared at him as I slowly folded down my shirt, trying to process what he told me.

"Wait are you sure?" I asked. "Are you sure it wasn't just my heartbeat?"

"I'm one-hundred percent." He chuckled. "Have you been told your due date yet?"

I nodded.

"Uh... it's March ninth."

"Alright, well with it being twins, I'd change the due date to February seventeenth. They usually arrive earlier than a single pregnancy."

"Yes!" George exclaimed. "That means their zodiac won't be Pisces!"

"Jesus Christ, George." I groaned, placing my head in my hands.

Pierce packed up his things and congratulated me again before Inez showed him out.

"You're not happy?" George asked me, sitting down on the bed, and I looked at him.

"Twins means I'll get even bigger than if it was one." I sad. "Which means they'll completely ruin my body."

I pouted at him and he chuckled while I rested my head against his shoulder.

"But yeah..." I whispered. "...I'm happy."

"Aww, how cute." Fred gushed as he watched us. "Can I name them?"

"No!" George and I said in unison, looking up at him.

"How boring."

"You're having a child of your own." I said. "Go agree on a name with your wife."

"But you're having two!" He argued. "That's unfair!"

He let out a scoff as he went to leave the room.

"I hope it's boy. Then I can teach them everything." I heard him mumble to himself and my eyes widened before I looked at George.

"That's not happening. Fred isn't teaching them a thing."

"Not even about firewo—"


George laughed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to press a kiss to my forehead.

"We're having twins." He whispered and the happiness in his voice made me smile automatically.

"Oh god." I pulled back to wipe my cheeks, not having expected myself to cry. "That's why I've already got a bump."

"Probably, yeah." He smiled, pressing a kiss to my lips before he looked down at my stomach. "I am so happy they won't be Pisces babies."

"Oh Jesus, George." I laughed. "Zodiac signs doesn't matter... especially not when it's regarding children!"

"What? I'm just saying I don't want babies that grow up to be as awkward as Ron."

I rolled my eyes.

"He's your brother. Stop bullying him."

"I'm not bullying him!" George argued, his voice high-pitched. "It's brotherly love."

I nodded slowly, not buying it one bit.

"I love you." I said with a smile, running my hand up his back to rest it on his shoulder. "I can't wait to marry you tomorrow."

George leaned closer to me and we ended up sitting there with his head resting against my chest and my arms wrapped around him, a hand brushing through his hair.

"I love you too." He whispered and I pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling when I realised how lucky I was.

I was marrying one of the best people I had ever met. Who cared that he was almost a decade older than me. He was my favourite person in this world and together we were going to be raising six kids.

Six kids.


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