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Walking down the streets of Diagon Alley, George and I both held Leah's hand as she walked between us.

Elsie and Fred walked together in front of us and Roxanne walked on George's side.

George and I hadn't made up but we weren't going to fight in front of the kids, so we just had to pretend like everything was okay.

"Can I get a wand too?" Leah asked. We were headed for Ollivanders to get Elsie her very first wand.

"In six years you can." I told her, giving her hand a squeeze. "But we can get you a pretend wand, huh?"

Leah looked up at me.

"Can I also get a chocolate wand?"

"If you can wait until I get back to work, sure." I smiled. "I can get you one from Honeydukes."

"Thank you mummy!"

I looked up at George, hoping to see some kind of smile on his face but instead he looked straight ahead while gently swinging his and Leah's hand between them.

As we reached Ollivandes, Elsie entered first with Fred behind her and Roxi following behind.

Leah let go of our hands to follow as well but as George went to walk inside, I grabbed his hand to make him look at me.


"Not now, Dahlia." He told me. "We'll talk when we get home."

I sighed.


He got his hand free from mine and walked into the shop first with me behind him.

Fred was looking at a shelf near the windows and Leah had taken a seat on the floor while Roxanne dragged her fingers over the same shelf that Fred looked at.

"Don't touch, darling." George said and gently grabbed Roxi's wrist. "Watch, yeah?"

I put my attention on Elsie who was speaking to Ollivander at the counter. I walked up there, smiling as his attention turned to me.

"Dahlia Willows." He greeted. "It's been a long time."

"Eighteen years." I nodded before looking down at my daughter. "Now it's this ones turn."

"Elenora." He nodded.

I always saw it as a wonder how he simply knew everything and everyone, even if he hadn't already met them.

"I'm here to get my wand!" Elsie nodded. "I have money! Mum show him our money!"

I chuckled.

"I don't think he expects us to cheat with the money. Don't worry, darling."

Ollivander smiled.

"I'll just be a second." He announced before disappearing into the rows of shelves that were all full with boxes of wands.

I looked back at George who was standing with the rest of the kids, holding Leah's hand while explaining something to Roxanne that she had probably asked about.

When Ollivander returned, he was carrying a box. He placed it on the counter and opened it, revealing a chestnut brown wand.

"Chestnut wood, unicorn hair, here you go." He said softly and handed it over to Elsie.

She looked at it for a second before she looked up at me as of to ask what to do.

"Give it a flick." I smiled and she frowned at the wand before flicking it, causing a whole lot of wands to full out of their shelves and land on the ground.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now