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With every contraction, I felt a gush.

I knew that this was real labour and I knew they weren't going to try and stop it this time.

The babies were on their way.

"I called Meg." George said when he returned with Fred followed him. "She told us to wait a little... either until there's five minutes between each contraction of if your water breaks."

"But I'm not thirty-six weeks." I said and looked up at him. "I'm only thirty-five..."

"And five days." He pointed out, brushing his hand over my hair before he leaned down to kiss me. "You can do this... you're strong, remember?"

"Strong my arse." I scoffed. "I'm getting that epidural the second we get to the clinic."

George chuckled and then kissed my head.

I laid there for thirty minutes, having contractions that got stronger, sharper and more intense and along with the contractions, I was having a horrible backache and headache.

Fred was timing the contractions while George was doing his best to take care of me but I really just found them all annoying.

"You're shaking." He said, running his hand up and down my legs, trying to soothe me.

"How long apart are the contractions?" I asked and looked at Fred.

"Seven minutes."

I groaned.

"I have to pee again."

George helped me sit up and I pulled myself up to stand.

"Do you need help getting out there?"

I shook my head as I started making my way into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and then locked it.

The minute I pulled my sweatpants and underwear down, I saw blood in them.

Not a lot, but it was definitely blood.

I hurried to pee, put a pad in my underwear and then finished up in here before making my way out to the others.

"I'm bleeding." I said, not knowing what to think about it.

Bleeding was never a good sign in pregnancy but I was in labour and was gonna give birth so... I didn't know.

"Can you call Meg?" I asked, making my way back over to the sofa, supporting my stomach as I sat down.

"...wait." George frowned. "You're bleeding? Where?"

"Where do you think?" I asked in annoyance.

Another contraction hit me and Fred quickly turned on the stop watch on his phone.

At the same time, George got up and started pacing around the room while taking to Meg.

"She's bleeding... shaking like crazy. There's—" George turned to Fred. "...wait, how many minutes?"


"Six minutes between contractions and they last about a minute now." George told Meg. "Yeah, she's having backaches and headaches too..."

George nodded while staying quiet for a moment, as if she could see him nod.

I was sitting on the sofa, taking deep breaths until the contraction finally stopped.

"That was terrible." I muttered, and Fred stopped the stopwatch. "How long was that?"

"Sixty-two seconds."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now