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The plans had changed. No guests were invited for the ceremony — only those who had a role. That meant that groomsmen and bridesmaids were there as well as flower girls.

When planning the wedding, George and I didn't want a lot of people up at the alter. He's got three groomsmen.

Fred as the best man, Lee and mini Freddie as groomsmen.

On my side, I had Inez as my maid of honour and Dove and Eloise as my bridesmaids.

Then there was the girls. Elsie, Roxi, Leah and Georgia were our flower girls.

Right now, we were taking photos. The photographer was here, taking a lot of photos of us as we got ready for today, and later we all posed outside for some more photos, me with my bridesmaids by my side and the flower girls in front of us.

I felt much better — completely relieved.

"I can't believe you spent that much money on a dress." Elsie said with her arms folded over her chest. "Yet I couldn't get that book I wanted."

I chuckled and brushed my fingers through the side of her hair, smiling down at her as the photographer took another photo.

"I'll get you that book." I assured her. "I'll leave some money for it before we leave tonight."

A smile spread on her face and she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Watch the dress!" Inez hurried to say but I didn't let go of my daughter.


There was two hours until the ceremony and we were going to use that time to freshen up and relax.

Dove had made snacks and I was indeed snacking on them.

My current food cravings were fruit so you could've imagined my happiness when I saw Dove prepare just that.

"It would be funny if we went into labour on the same day." Eloise said as I joined her by the window where she looked out.

We were lucky today, regarding the weather. It wasn't raining and it wasn't cold.

"It would be chaotic." I chuckled. "George and Fred would be running to each other after every little progress."

"They would, wouldn't they?" She laughed.

It was really odd how we were both pregnant at the same time. She was ten weeks and I was nine. Her due date was March second because she only carried one and if I hadn't been carried twins, mine would have been March ninth, but instead my due date was February seventeenth.

"I think I'm having a boy." Eloise said and looked at me. "It's just this feeling I have, you know? According to those old wives tales that Fred's been talking so much about, morning sickness is a sign of a girl and I haven't had anything."

I smiled.

"I've had morning sickness most mornings. It was like that throughout the first two pregnancies as well. I was in school when I had Elsie and morning sickness there wasn't exactly ideal."

Eloise looked at me.

"Right... you gave birth in—"

"A hallway." I nodded. "I was stupid — eighteen and completely terrified. I had been ignoring my contractions for hours and on my way to class, my water broke. It all happened so fast then. There was no time to get to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey helped me deliver in the hallway."

"Madam Pomfrey?"

"Oh, right." I chuckled. "The healer at Hogwarts."

"The school nurse." She nodded.

"It was a nightmare. I was the school's topic for such a long time and even after I graduated, people talked about it. I moved in with my ex-husband when I graduated. He himself had graduated four years earlier. I was born in December so while he was three years older than me, he was also four years above me."

I shook my head at the memory.

"I moved in with him. He had taken care of Elsie until I graduated which meant I wasn't able to bond with her until she was three months old." I looked at Eloise who was listening, nodding along.

"But it didn't work out."

"No." I chuckled. "We had Leah in October of two-thousand and nine and she was two when I left with her and Elsie. My marriage with Malcolm turned complicated."

A smile spread on my face.

"Then I met George and he's become my home."

"I know that feeling. When I met Fred, he saved me. I had run away from a toxic family. A brother who beat me, parents who didn't do shit about it. That's how I ended up on that island, working to pay my bills. Fred showed up and I fell in love."

I hummed.

"With him thinking his brother was dead, I'm pretty sure you saved him too."


Ten minutes.

I was slightly nervous. Only because I didn't want to mess anything up and say something wrong.

Or what if I tripped?

"Mummy, this is for you." Roxi made me look down at her as she held up a bracelet. "It's a wedding gift. You have to wear it."

I gasped, taking the bracelet she had given me. It looked like one of those George wore that she had made loads of when she was younger.

"You're so talented, Roxi." I hugged her as I slid the bracelet onto my wrist. "Thank you, darling. It's beautiful."

"I can't wait for you to marry daddy." She said. "We have a big surprise for you."

"Oh yeah?" I smiled. "I can't wait. I bet it's wonderful."

"It is." she nodded, chuckling. "I'm gonna go get ready. Inez is gonna be mad if I don't."

I continued to smile as Roxi walked back out of the room, leaving me with Dove and Eloise who were looking out of the window.

George and I had rented a mansion in Caterham where we held the ceremony outside and later the reception would be held inside in one of the dining rooms.

It had a beautiful garden with a nice view and that's where the staff had set up everything for the ceremony.

They were also very helpful when George called about the changes.

I walked over to stand with Dove and Eloise, looking at what they were looking at.

George stood ready, talking to both his brother Fred and his son.

He was smiling, obviously happier than ever. As I watched him, I took a deep breath and placed my hands against my stomach.

"Do I have to wear the veil?" I asked. "I don't really like the veil."

Eloise continued to stare out of the window while Dove looked at me, smiling and reached up to take off my veil while shaking her head.

"It's your wedding."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now