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When I woke up the next morning, George wasn't in the bed and it didn't look like he had been at any point during the night.

I got dressed for the day and walked downstairs, finding George fast asleep on the sofa with paperwork spread out on the table and a pen that looked like it had fallen out of his hand when he fell asleep.

He was sitting, his head leaned back, his lips parted and he was snoring.

I walked over, careful not to wake him up and wrapped my arms around him as I leaned down and kissed his neck.

After a few more kisses, he started waking up and I chuckled when he tilted his head to one side to give me more access.

"That feels nice." He muttered. I kissed his skin again, nudging my nose against his jaw.

At the same time, I ran my hand down his bare chest.

"You didn't come to bed last night." I whispered.

"I was working." He whispered. "I must've fallen asleep."

"No shit." I chuckled. He turned his head to look at me and I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I hate when we fight, you know..."

"So do I." He said quietly, brushing his fingers into my hair. "I'm sorry about last night."

"About what?" I asked. "You being a complete dick?"


I rolled my eyes and stood up straight, patting his shoulders.

"Go get dressed." I told him. "I'm making breakfast today."

The morning went surprising well. Fred was excited to go back for his second year and Elsie was over the moon with excitement for finally starting.

I remember when I started. I was happy for a whole 'nother reason. Getting to go to Hogwarts meant getting to get away from my family.

They wouldn't get to abuse me every day anymore.

Fifteen minutes to eleven, we were walking up to the wall before platform nine and ten at Kings Cross Station.

I was walking between George and Malcolm. Fred was walking at the front with his trunk and broom loaded onto a trolley, and Elsie walked next to Leah who was holding Malcolm's hand.

Roxi was here too, standing on the side of Fred's trolley, laughing as she didn't have to walk like George had tried to get her to.

As we reached the wall, Fred looked back at George and I.

"Go on." George smiled. "You know what to do."

Fred looked at the wall again and Roxanne jumped off before Fred ran at it and got through to the other side.

"My turn!" Roxanne shouted before she ran at it herself but with full speed.

"It's my turn, isn't it?" Elsie asked. "What if my trolley won't go through?"

"Don't worry, darling. It will." I tried to assure her as I walked over and gave her a hug, planting a kiss on her head.

"It's as easy as breathing." Malcolm told her and she looked up at him before she looked at the wall.

She took a deep breath and then she started walking with fast steps, walking right through the wall.

"I want to go to Hogwarts too!" Leah exclaimed. "It's not fair!"

I looked over at George who smiled at Leah's comment.

"I'll go." George said and motioned towards the wall and shortly after he disappeared through it.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now