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"You're awfully quiet."

I looked at George who sat in the chair next to me, leaned forward with his elbows resting against his knees.

"I'm just thinking." I said and forced a smile before I looked towards the windows instead.

"About the outcome of today?" He asked, placing a hand on my thigh, and I automatically placed mine on his.

"I don't know what to do if they tell me I can't have anymore children." I said honestly. "I never expected that I would want another one, but then I met you and now it's my biggest wish."

I looked at George again and leaned my head back against the wall.

"I know." He said, giving my thigh a reassuring squeeze. "But if we can't get pregnant the natural way, there are other ways, you know."

I nodded slowly, before my eyes flicked towards the sound of a door opening.

"Dahlia Ray."

"I had kind of hoped you would have been first." I said before I stood up, George finding my hand to give it a squeeze.

"You'll be okay." He told me. I smiled softly at him before approaching the muggle doctor.

She smiled at me as I approached her, holding out her hand and I shook it gently.

"C'mon in." She told me, stepping aide to let me in. She didn't close the door, but she gestured towards the hospital robe on the bed. "If you would be so kind to change into that while I show your husband where to give his sample."

I looked at her as she left the room again and closed the door.


I liked the sound of that, and in only a month, it would be official.

I grabbed the robe and walked behind the curtain in the room, getting changed.

I hated exams like this. I hated laying there and having my uterus looked at.

It was uncomfortable to say the least.

After the exam, I got changed back into my clothes and sat on the other side of doctor Wehrley's desk, while she sat in her chair.

"Miss Ray—" she started, folding her hands on her desk, right in front of her.

"I'm infertile, aren't I?"

"You—" she shook her head. "...no. You're not. Actually, there is nothing wrong with your reproductive system. You produce as many eggs as you should and your uterus is healthy. Everything looks healthy."

Then it's George?



Why was she holding pauses? Why wasn't she just spitting it out? It was annoying.

"...you look to be about four weeks pregnant."

My eyes widened and I felt my lips part, no words leaving my mouth.


"Though I would like to do a pregnancy test to confirm it as well as a blood sample."

"Wait— no... I take a pregnancy test every other day and they keep coming out negative."

She nodded.

"There is something called the hook effect. It's when your HCG levels are too high and the pregnancy tests or blood work comes out negative. We'll do both. First a pregnancy test and if it comes out negative, we'll do blood work, then you'll have the result within a week."

"And if that's negative as well?"

"Then we'll do an ultrasound." She offered a smile. "I'm gonna need you to pee in a cup. There's a bathroom just next door with bottles of water."

She pulled out a plastic bag from her drawer which contained a plastic cup with a lid. She handed it to me and gestured towards the door that led to the bathroom.

I walked out there and closed the door behind me.


I highly doubted it but I really hoped that was true.

I drank some water so that I could actually pee, and after drinking two bottles, I finally could.

After filling the cup, I walked back out and handed it to doctor Wehrley who had gotten a pregnancy test ready, dipping it for three seconds before laying it down on a piece of paper towel.

"While we wait for the results, I would like to draw some blood." She told me. "We can send it in and if you are pregnant, it might show up there in case the test is a negative."

"If I'm pregnant." I muttered to myself, completely in shock.

This wasn't what I had expected to happen at my appointment. I thought I'd find out something was wrong with me but instead I found out I may be...


Once the blood work was down, she put a bandage over the place she stabbed me with the needle.

I hate needles.

I bent my arm like I was instructed too and she moved back to sit in her chair and take a look at the pregnancy test.

A smile formed on her face before she looked at me.

"Congratulations. It's positive."

Automatically, I brought my hands up to cover my mouth and nose, staring at the test with wide eyes.

"But—" I dropped my hands again. "...I took a test Sunday night and it was negative."

"Well, that was a week ago." She said. "It was possibly too early to tell unless it was a pregnancy test that detects the pregnancy as early as three weeks."


"I'll send your blood tests in and in a weeks time, you'll get a mail with the results. We know that you're pregnant so next step is figuring out how far along you are. Right now, I'd say four weeks so when you get the results, it would be five."

I said goodbye to her, trying to act calm as I left her office, looking left and right to see if George had come out, and he had.

He was waiting for me close to the doors, pushing himself off the wall when he saw me.

"How'd it go?" He asked, following me as I led the way outside.

There, I stopped and turned towards him.

"Well I'm certainly not infertile."

George scanned my face before he nodded.

"Then it's probably me, eh?" He chuckled softly. "I'm sorry—"

"I'm pregnant."

That made George freeze. We stared at each other, neither of us saying anything for a moment before he realised what I had said.

"Pardon me?"

"Around four weeks." I told him. "The test at home came out negative because it might have been too early on or something... but she took one look at my uterus and wanted to do a pregnancy test and some blood work. The test came back positive. I'm pregnant."

"Oh shit." He cursed, grasping my face in his hands before kissing me deeply, then he wrapped his arms around me and I broke into laughter as he picked me up, spun me around before he put me down again. "You're pregnant? Please don't mess with me... my heart can't take that."

"I'm not messing with you." I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "We're having a baby."

He let out a breath of relief and rested his forehead against mine.

"We are." He agreed. "We're having a baby."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now