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I spend a Friday afternoon in my office, grading some essays for my class, when a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and a smile spread on my face when I saw Elsie enter.

"Hi darling. Everything okay?"

She sighed and closed the door behind her, walking up to sit in the sofa in the room.

"Dad has been writing me since I started." she said. "I haven't told him what house I got sorted into."

"I know." I nodded. "He's been asking me too but I wanted you to be able to tell him yourself."

"I don't want to." She said and made a face. "He's gonna be mad."

"Oh sweetie." I sighed and stood up, walking over to sit down next to her. "Come here."

I opened my arms and brought her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry he's like that sometimes." I said. "I can talk to him if you want?"

"Yes, please."

I brushed my hand over her hair before she pulled back and pulled something out of her pocket.

It turned out to be two small pieces of paper that she handed to me.

"This is me and Fred's suggestion for the girls name." She said.

I had asked them to come with a name suggestion for George and I.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Now, get going. Don't you have a class in five minutes?"

"I do." She sighed. "I have potions. I hate potions."

"I did too when I was in school." I told her.

Elsie stayed in the sofa for another moment before she sighed and stood up.

"I'll see you tomorrow, mum."

"Yes you will." I smiled at her and once she left the room, I looked down at the papers.

Elsie: Sophia
Fred: Caleb

I chuckled, shaking my head at Fred's suggestion. Even as a girl, he wanted her to be named Caleb.

When I got home that afternoon, George was in the middle of cooking and Leah was sitting at the table, drawing.

"Hi beautiful." I smiled and kissed her head as I walked past her, then I looked at George who looked up. "Hey... is Roxi upstairs?"

"She's taking a nap." He said. "She isn't feeling well. I was called by the school. She threw up."

"Oh... she did?"

"She's got a fever but it doesn't look to be serious." He said and shook his head. "She just needs sleep and she needs to stay hydrated, so I'm staying home until she's better."

I walked closer to him and rested my hand against the counter.

"I can probably take a few days off so you don't have to stay away from work too long."

George shook his head and offered me a smile.

"It's fine, really." He said. "If you take some days off, McGonagall will have to find someone to fill in while you're gone."

He shook his head again.

"You don't have to do that." He smiled softly. "Did you get the name suggestions from Fred and Elsie?"

"I did. Sophia and Caleb."


"I guess Fred wants us to name the girl Caleb." I chuckled. "Or maybe he wants us to rename Liam."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now