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My little sister turns sixteen in about two weeks and she's celebrating her birthday the Saturday before and she invited me.

But due to me having cut my mum out of my life, I asked my sister if our mother said I could come, because this whole thing does not have to be a punishment for my sister.

Her response was;

"Mum says no but I say yes so you can come"


My older sister who cut my mum out of her life eleven years ago, is allowed to come but I'm not because my mother is trying to punish me in some way.

I don't really care. My sister wants me there so I'll show up.

When my older sister cut our mum out, she wasn't allowed to see us for five years before my mum decided to stop punishing her and I am not gonna wait five years to see my little sister again.


"Dia, darling..."

I woke up to the sound of George's soft voice while his fingers brushed through the side of my hair.

I hummed in response, feeling too comfortable to get up or even look at him.

"Gorgeous." He said, his voice still incredibly soft. So soft that it was close to being a whisper. "I need you to get up."

"No." I groaned, cuddling my pillow even tighter, hearing George chuckle at the same time. "What time is it?"

"It's ten." He told me. "The kids are still all asleep, but there's someone at the door for you."

I opened my eyes, squinting them at him. He was crouched down on my side of the bed, one hand playing with my hair and the other laying on the bed.

"There's someone at the door?" I asked. "At ten in the morning?"


"Tell them to go away." I groaned, closing my eyes again.

"It's Henry and Nadine."

I opened my eyes quicker than ever, looking at him for a moment before I sat up.


"I let them in." He said. "They're waiting for you in the living room."

"Oh c'mon." I groaned. "Three years I haven't seen them and you just let them in?"

George stood up.

"I think you want to hear them out. It's rather serious."

"Serious?" I asked. "How serious? Serious as in the world is coming to an end or serious as in missing me and wanting me in their life because I'm a fucking fantastic person whom everyone can't help but love?"

He smiled widely, looking at me with just pure happiness in his eyes.

"I think it's somewhere between." He chuckled. "Get dressed. You won't regret listening to them."

He grabbed my chin and lifted it before he leaned down and kissed my forehead, then he left the bedroom.

I sighed. I really did not want to go down there and see my siblings after three years of not having see them.

What could possibly have happened that they suddenly needed to talk to me about?

I got out of bed and got dressed into some high-waisted black trousers and a white jumper.

I brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail before I left the room, turning towards the stairs and making my way down them.

I turned and walk through the door that led to the kitchen, dining room and living room, stopping when I saw Henry and Nadine sit on the sofa.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now