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This is the last chapter.


Warning!: talk of traumatic past, sexual abuse, neglect and more

At the end of March, Fred and Elsie came home for the holidays.

We also celebrated Elsie's twelfth birthday on the twenty-eighth and Roxi's tenth the day after.

Then we celebrated George's thirty-eighth birthday on the first of April, and he kept complaining about being a few years away from forty.

In two years, I was going to be married to a forty-year-old man who didn't look a year over thirty.

It had been about a week since his birthday and today was exactly two months since I gave birth to Liam and Amelia.

We've had some issues with Liam. He had a murmur at birth which usually closes up after a few days but his didn't so we went to a healer who healed it with a potion and the muggle doctors then called it a miracle when the murmur had mysteriously disappeared after two months.

Leah has been seeing her psychologist a lot. She hasn't been able to sleep in her own room since we got her home.

We gave her a new bedroom on the second floor next to Elsie's room but she couldn't sleep in a room all alone.

When Fred and Elsie came home, we told them what had happened.

We hadn't been able to while Leah was gone. We didn't know how, but when they came home, we did.

I hadn't seen Nadine since what happened, but I had seen Henry and talked to so many Aurors.

My parents are were both in Azkaban and their trial was today.

George and I were going, and Bea, our babysitter was watching the kids apart from Leah who started crying when she heard that the babysitter would be there.

We asked her what she was most comfortable with and so she's now being watched by Inez and Dove.

I held George's hand as we walked through to find our seats next to Malcolm inside of the ministry's court.

My parents were in cages down in the circle of the room. They were both dangerous.

I didn't know what to feel about this. They had done horrible things and I hated that I still felt some sort of attachment to them that made me feel bad about them being treated like this.

I had to remind myself what did they to me as a child and what they did to my little girl.

I made eye contact with my dad who stood tall, not affected at all, not even caring while my mum had been crying and was staring at the ground.

"Are you okay?" George asked and gave my hand a squeeze, but I just kept staring at my dads eyes.

"I'm okay."

He gave my hand another squeeze while tugging at my hand and I pulled my eyes away from my dad to see Henry and Nadine walk along the row where we sat, Nadine leading the way.

I let go of George's hand and stood up as Nadine stopped.

I looked at her and then I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

I hadn't been able to thank her since she helped us find Leah.

"Thank you so much." I whispered.

She had been taken back by my hug but after a moment, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back.

When I pulled back, we exchanged a small smile and then I sat back down between Malcolm and George.

Nadine sat on the other side of George and Henry next to her.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now