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George held my hand as we walked through the town of Charlottetown, looking at the shops — the many different boutiques.

People were very friendly here. They'd nod at us and smile as we walked by, which we definitely weren't used to at home.

I mean, people in Godric's hallow did smile when you walked past, but this was different. It was more friendly.

"I still think—"

"We're not getting a dog, George." I laughed. "I swear you've got a soft spot for the kids. You gotta learn when to say no."

He scoffed in response.

"And you don't?" He asked. "Who here just gave money to Elsie for another book when she never actually reads any of them?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a teacher. What wouldn't it say about me if my children didn't have books?" I joked.

"Well, then—"

"No!" I cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "You're not giving them firework. Not unless you want our house to burn."

George shrugged.

"It's getting torn down either way."

"Yeah." I breathed. "But when we find a new place, I don't want that to burn either so no fireworks, George."

He chuckled and when I looked up at him and our eyes met, he duck his head to kiss the tip of my nose.

"I won't give them fireworks if you stop giving Elsie books. They just end up in a stack of books that are all just there to collect dust."

I smiled as I reached up and wrapped an arm around his neck while he looked around.

"Where're the quidditch shops?"

"Babe, muggles live here." I had to remind him. "You won't find a quidditch shop."

He looked down at me.

"Right... that's boring. Why are we even here?" He asked. "Let's go to the mall."

He reached down to find my hand again, dragging me when him towards the mall which wasn't far away.

We had passed it on our way down here.

I had insisted that we spend our honeymoon as muggles — without magic. We couldn't risk being seen using a spell.

"You're gonna rip off my arm if you keep pulling it like that." I said and George looked back at me before slowing down with a chuckle.

"Sorry, love."

"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked. "We've got nothing to get to."

"I'm in no rush." He argued, letting go of my hand sneak his hand around my waist. "But it's boring out here. I want to see the small."

I decided to ignore his comment, feeling my inner child being offended by him thinking that Charlottetown was boring.

We walked inside of the mall, walking together in peace and quiet. I looked around at the different shops, most of them being for clothes or beauty.

"Look—" George said and I looked at him to see him point in a direction.

I looked that way, seeing a very large plant that looked to be needing some water.

"That's you." He commented and I looked at him in confusion. "Dry."

I looked a him for a moment, then gasped when I realised the joke. He broke into a laugh while I shoved him in the chest, backing away from him.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now