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One morning at the end of August, I woke up to the wound of George's voice.

He was in the room, speaking on the phone while struggling to get dressed because he only had one hand to use.

I lifted my head to look at him, then dropped it against the pillow again and rolled over with a groan.

"She's awake now." I heard him say. "You want me to tell her?"

I rolled into my back again and looked at him.

"Dia." George smiled at me. "They're having a boy."

I frowned.


"Well who do you think? Who else is pregnant besides you?"


"They're having a boy?" I smiled and sat up, rubbing my hands over my face. "Tell them congratulations."

George repeated my words while I pulled the duvet away from my body and got out of bed.

When I passed George, I leaned up to kiss his cheek before I made my way into the bathroom.

When I got back to the room after peeing, George had hung up the call and was finishing getting dressed.

"Elsie's starting Hogwarts tomorrow." I said and leaned against the wall with sigh.

"I know..."

"That's one less child to feed." I joked, and George smiled, glancing at me. "No but..."

I sighed again and shook my head.

"I can't believe her and Fred are Hogwarts students. Fred's going into his second year and when they get out again, they're adults."

"That's what happens when you grow up." He said. "We've been there."

I hummed, watching him button his trousers before pulling his belt through the loops.

"I uh— I found a couples counsellor." He said, running his thumb over his bottom lip before looking at me.

"That was quick."

He shrugged.

"I was serious when I mentioned couples counselling. I don't want to lose you but I'm scared that if we don't get some kind of help when it comes to our fights, one of us will want a divorce within the next two years."

I took a deep breath but nodded.

"I love you." I said and smiled softly at him.

He reached for my hand in response, pulling me closer to him. His arm slid around my back and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you." He responded in a whisper and went to kiss my lips when I pulled my head back a little.

"I forgot to brush my teeth."

He shrugged and kissed me before letting go of me.

"I'll make some breakfast. Can you wake up the kids when you've gotten dressed?"

I nodded.

George left the room while closing his belt and I turned to walk back into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Not only was Elsie starting Hogwarts tomorrow, but I was going back to work.

Well, we had a few days this week where teachers had to work and prepare for the new year but tomorrow meant students.

After I brushed my teeth and got dressed, I made the bed with the use of magic and left the room.

I first walked into Fred's room. He was sleeping peacefully but when I flicked my wand at the curtains and they opened, he groaned into his pillow.

"Good morning Freddie." I smiled. "Your dad is making breakfast so get dressed and come downstairs, yeah?"

He didn't answer but I trusted him to get up so I walked across the hallway to Leah's room.

Her door wasn't fully closed so I just pushed it fully, flicked my wand at the curtains and walked over to her bed.

I sat down on the edge of it and brushed my hand over her hair.

"Leah, darling." I called softly and her eyes fluttered open. She squinted them at me and when she recognised me, a smile spread on her face. "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning, mummy." She yawned. "I had a fun dream."

"Yeah?" I smiled. "Do you mind telling me?"

"I met my new sisters."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Your sisters?"

"They're in your tummy but in my dream they were tiny babies and they laid on the sofa and they could talk."

Leah wanted the babies to be both girls while Elsie wanted it to be one of each. Roxi wanted two girls as well and Fred wanted both to be boys.

"I can't wait to meet them." Leah said. "Do you think they'll like me?"

I smiled.

"They'll love you."

"That's good." She nodded. "I'll be the best sister ever."

"I don't doubt that." I smiled. "Now, get dressed. I think Georgie's making waffles for breakfast."

Then I moved on to the second floor where Roxi and Elsie had their rooms, but as I reached the top of the stairs, both girls left Roxi's room.

"Hi mum!" Elsie smiled and made her way downstairs followed by Roxi who at the same time said; "hi mummy!"

Well that was easy enough.

I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen as Elsie and Roxi had said good morning to George and now sat down to wait for breakfast.

"Fred should be down in a second." I said and walked over to George as he did indeed make waffles. "We need to talk about getting an appointment for blood samples."

George looked at me.

"Blood samples?"

I nodded.

"If we want to know the sex." I said. "Do we want to know the sex? Because if I have to be honest, I don't think I can wait until I give birth."

A small chuckle slipped past George's lips as he looked at me.

"Do you need me to call and make the appointment?"

I shook my head.

"I'm capable of making a phone call." I told him with a small smile. "Do you have to be in the shop today?"

"I do, but I'll get off at six." He told me. "I know it sucks but..."

"I didn't say anything." I shrugged, leaning against the counter.

He put the freshly made waffles over onto the plates he had put out. He had also made sure that there was berries and both apple and orange juice.

He did the same last year. Made something different for breakfast the day before Fred went off to Hogwarts.

He served the breakfast for the kids as Fred entered the kitchen as well, looking more than tired.

"Did you not get any sleep last night, buddy?" George asked with a grin. "You were sleeping when I checked on you around ten..."

Fred looked at his father with a frightened expression.

"Your shoes were also quite muddy when I got downstairs this morning." George said, this time making me frown. "But we'll talk about that later. Sit down and eat your breakfast."

George walked back into the kitchen and I looked up at him for some kind of explanation.

"I think he snuck out." He said quietly.

"Snuck out?" I asked. "The boy is nearly thirteen. What reason could he have to sneak out?"

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