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The kids got their ears pierced a few days after Christmas.

Elsie didn't. She didn't change her mind about it either. She absolutely hated needles.

A week into January and we said goodbye to Fred and Elsie at kings cross station.

I wasn't going back right now. I was on maternity leave for the time being. I was thirty-one weeks pregnant and only five weeks left until my due date.

As the train left the platform, I let go of George's hand and turned to Malcolm who was obviously drunk.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I yelled, earning quite a few looks from people who walked by.

"Don't start with me, Dahlia..."

"You show up drunk to wave goodbye at your daughter? You fucking pig!"

He sighed and turned to look at me with a bored expression.

"This is it. I've had enough." I said. "George, we're going home."

"Yes, ma'am." He breathed and I grabbed his hand before dragging him with me towards the wall, and as we walked through, Malcolm came running.

He grabbed my arm and immediately George was there, pushing him back.

"Do not touch her." He said, awfully calm.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Malcolm asked. "Step away so I can have a chat with my ex-wife about our children."

Malcolm tried to shove George away but George grabbed him by the collar.

"Who do I think I am?" He laughed. "I'm her husband, she's currently seven months pregnant and with your past of getting violent when you've been drinking, I do not want you close to her, you understand me?"

Malcolm didn't respond, just stared up at George in anger.

"Do you understand me?!" George repeated, his time with his voice raised.

"George..." I said softly and reached out to grab his arm.

He calmed down and let go of Malcolm before stepping back.

"Dahlia, you can't..." Malcolm looked at me. "...c'mon... they're my girls. They're— you can't take them away from me."

"You're an alcoholic, Malcolm." I said. "And I know why. I know you've be through hell with your family, growing up and I know you couldn't find a way to handle it so instead you turned to alcohol but— I don't want Elsie and Leah to be in an environment like that. You're not seeing them until you're sober."

"That's not fucking fair!" He yelled. "What do you want me to do?!"

"Go to rehab!" I yelled back. "I don't know. Go find a fucking support group... do something to get sober instead of just drinking your problems and your life away! Now if you'll excuse me, George and I have somewhere to be."

I turned around and looked at George, motioning for him to come with me.

We had to go down to the ministry of magic so I could sign the last piece of paper that would finalise the adoption of Fred and Roxanne.

It sucks that it had to happen right after Fred and Elsie left for Hogwarts, minister Shacklebolt wasn't available until today at noon.

"You alright?" George checked in, and I nodded.

"I just have to go home and tell my youngest that her father is sick again so she won't be able to see him for a while." I said. "Because I can't exactly tell her that her dad is a raging alcoholic who'd rather drink and risk losing his girls then try and stay sober, and I know it's hard. I know addiction can be a bitch but it's the fact that he showed up here, drunk when he's supposed to say goodbye to his oldest daughter."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now