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Just a quick chapter before I go to bed.


The next morning, I woke up and the first thing I saw was George.

He sat on the edge of the bed, brushing his fingers through my hair.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat at the sight of him and the soft way that he looked at me. I immediately tested up.

I hadn't expected him to be here when I woke up. I went to Inez and Dove's house to get away from him and our fight but I felt so relieved to see him here.

"I'm sorry." He said softly, continuing to brush his fingers through my hair. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean a word I said."

I sat up, wiping my cheeks as I looked at him.

"I didn't mean it either."

George ran a hand to my jaw and rested his forehead against mine.

"I don't want you to grow up." I whispered. "I love being able to feel like a teenager with you."

He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck to hug him.

He buried his face in the crook of my head and I closed my eyes as my head rested against his shoulder.

There wasn't any better feeling than hugging him after a huge fight, getting to smell him and just feel him close to me.

I ran my hand up the nape of his neck, my fingers running into his hair as I tugged his head back slightly, making him look at me.

I pressed a soft kiss to his lips and as I looked at him again, he then grasped my jaw and connected our lips again.

Then we hugged again, George's arms wrapped around my lower back and mine wrapped tightly around his neck.

"I lied, you know." He whispered, hiding his face against my neck. "Angelina wasn't more fun than you. I've never clicked with anyone as much as I do with you."

At that, I smiled softly, resting my head against his shoulder while running one hand up and down his back, dragging my nails along the material of his shirt.

"Plus—" he pulled back to look at me. "...she never laughed at my jokes in the way that you do."

He brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"She'd just cock an eyebrow and roll her eyes before turning away from me."

I chuckled.

"I roll my eyes too..."

"I know." He smiled. "But you smile at the same time. You find me funny without wanting to admit it, and it's not because you can't let me be funny — it's because you don't want to admit that I'm funnier than you."

I scoffed.

"I suppose you are quite funny."

George laughed, wrinkles forming by his eyes and the sound automatically made me smile.

I watched him as he dug into his pocket, pulling out a box and opened it. It held my engagement ring which looked much shinier.

"I paid extra to have them clean it within an hour." He told me, holding out his hand, waiting for me to place mine in his, and when I did, he slid the ring onto my ring finger. "I hope you'll still marry me."

"Of course."

George looked at me and smiled, placing a hand on my thigh.

"We've got some things to do today, then." He told me. "Get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen with Dove and Inez while making a phone call."

"What phone call?" I asked out of curiosity as he stood up.

"I need to make sure that all payments have been completed. I also need to make sure that the cake is ready for Thursday — oh, and I also need to confirm with the photographer to make sure he has the right date and time. We can't stand there with no one to take the photos."

"Right." I breathed, running my hands over my face. "Inez is taking me out to get my nails and my eyebrows done today by the way..."

George nodded.

"Okay." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me again. "I'll see you downstairs."

I watched him as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway, closing the door after him.

I stayed in bed, looking at the door for a moment as I rethought everything since yesterday when we were fighting.

After getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I walked downstairs, meeting both George and Inez in the kitchen.

"Where's Dove?"

"Work." Inez told me. "She'll get off at nine tonight. My parents will be watching the kids while we're in London."

I walked over to George, wrapping my arms around his waist and tiptoed to kiss his cheek.

"So... you don't think it's appropriate seek some sort of couples counselling?" Inez asked, causing us both to look at her.

"Couples counselling?" I asked with a scoff. "No."

"Yeah, no." George agreed. "I believe it's probably just the wedding stress getting to us."

I nodded in agreement but Inez rolled her eyes at us.

"George, where are you staying tomorrow night?" She asked. "At Fred's right? Because Dahlia has to have the house. Getting a bride ready for her wedding is a big thing with loads to do and we need the space."

George chuckled.

"I'm staying with Fred and Eloise, yeah."

"Good." Inez smiled. "Because under no circumstances can you share a bed the night before the wedding."

We both didn't say anything.

"The wedding night though—" she grinned, winking at us. "...that's completely different. There you're certainly allowed to sleep together if you know what I mean."

I chuckled.

"Of course we know what you mean. It's no secret that we have a sex life. How else do you think we—"

George nudged me with his shoulder and I immediately shut up, realising I was about to share the pregnancy news that we weren't supposed to be sharing with everyone yet.

"How you what?"

"Nothing." I shrugged. "What time do we have at the nail salon?"

Inez sent me a certain look before she pulled out her phone to check her calendar.

"At eleven." She told me. "My parents will be here at ten-forty-five."

She looked up at us.

"It's not that I don't trust the kids to be alone but Rosie is ten, Marcus is eight and Jack is five so..."

"No one's saying anything." I said. "We have—"

I cleared my throat.

"George's son is thirteen and we don't let him be home alone either." I said. "Though that's for completely different reasons."

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