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On February 10th, we got to go home.

My labour had started on February 7th and I gave birth around two in the morning on February 8th and now two days after the twins were born, we were loading the car seats into the car.

George had gotten them from the car so we could carry the twins outside in them.

"I'm gonna sit in the back with them." I said. "I just... I don't know. They've just been born and I want to keep an eye on them..."

"What are they gonna do? Undo their seatbelts and get up and walk away?" George joked, chuckling. "Yeah... go sit between them."

I opened the door to the backseats and George got Amelia's car seat out so I could get in the middle, then he put it back and secured it.

He closed the door before getting in behind the steering wheel.

"Do you want to get some food on the way home?" He asked. "Just some drive-through we can eat in the car. I'm already kind of hungry."

"Food that isn't snacks or clinic food?" I asked. "Yes please."

George chuckled and before he drove off, I pulled on my seatbelt.

The twins were both asleep in each of their car seats, both looking equally adorable and I couldn't stop staring at them.

"Everyone will probably be waiting at home for us."

I looked at George.

"Who's everyone?" I asked.

"Lee... Alicia, Vivian too maybe. Probably Inez, Dove and their kids too."

"Oh, well that's fine." I said, running a hand over my face before I looked at Liam, then at Amelia. "You know... we tried for an entire year. I was getting so exhausted."

George glanced at me through the rearview mirror.

"Sex started to almost become a job." I said. "We'd schedule it around my ovulation and I took so many pregnancy test to as well... though, it was all worth it in the end."

"And now... we can go back to having sex just for the fun of it." He grinned. "And when can we, by the way? Did Meg tell you that when you asked?"

George had made me ask Meg when George and I could have sex again, seeing as he was too shy to do it himself.

"Four to six weeks, darling." I chuckled, hearing him slightly curse under his breath. "Plus, right now I don't think it would be that great for either of us. I'll be bleeding for the next month or so."

George hummed.

"We've never had sex during your cycle, now that I think about it." He said which quickly made me look at him again as I had been staring at each of the twins.

"Is that a thing you want?"

"No. I mean... I don't really care. I just realised we never have."

"That's cause I don't like the idea of my period blood getting all over your dick." I said, and George laughed softly. "Alright... where are we getting food from? McDonalds?"

We ended up getting some food from McDonalds which wasn't often that we did, but we ate in the car while talking — the twins stayed asleep, and they continued sleeping when we continued on home.

George drove through the gate at home and up the long path to our house.

He parked in front, turned off the engine and took off his seatbelt.

He got out and opened the car door, taking out Amelia's car seat.

He put her car seat down on the ground next to him, then leaned down and gestured for Liam.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now