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Warning: Slight mention of sexual assault

The kids were tucked in for the night and George and I sat in the kitchen with the letter we got about the house before the wedding.

"In five months, we'll have to be out." He said as he read it through over and over again. "They'll buy us out obviously so we'll have the money to move but we don't have a choice. We have to accept the money."

I looked at George's face as he spoke.

"I mean... with twins coming and us wanting our kids to have their own rooms, it seems like a good idea to find somewhere with an extra room." I said. "I know you and Fred shared growing up but there must've been times where you wanted your own space."

George nodded, agreeing to what I said but he was still frowning at the piece of paper.

"So what... are we gonna find a house in the muggle world this time or..." he looked up at me and I shrugged, snatching the paper from him.

"As long as we have a home." I said, running my thumb over my lip. "The kids are gonna hate it."

"I know..." he nodded slowly. "...maybe if we buy chickens for them to name, they won't be mad about it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you want chickens so bad?"

"They're cute." He smiled. "And we don't have to buy our own eggs. We could also get pigs like I grew up with."

I shook my head.

"I may be on board with chickens but not pigs."

I handed the letter back to him and he took it while keeping his eyes on me.

"Why do you hate animals this much?"

I didn't answer right away. I stared at him. That wasn't something I had ever answered.

Three and a half years of being together and I had managed to avoid answering questions about animals.

"I loved animals when I was little." I said. "My dad would use it as a punishment. He'd kill animals in front of me and watch as I cried and screamed for him to not hurt them. It was all kind of animals. A dog, a cat, birds..."

I brushed my fingers through my hair.

"I don't know... that fear is still active, I guess. I know he's got no control over me anymore but I'm still scared that the animals will get hurt if I take a liking to them."

George hummed, running his finger along the rim of his glass that stood on the table.

"I'm sorry." He said. "If I ever meet that arsehole, I'm gonna..."

George shook his head.

"The way you've been treated. You were a child and another human being."

"Well, it's in the past." I said. "He did a lot of things. That's why I'm in therapy, right?"

I stood up and gathered the papers we had spread out on the table, then grabbed the letter from his hands and walked over to the kitchen island where I placed it.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I hummed.

"Did he ever touch you?"

At his question, I froze. I knew what he meant. I knew he wasn't talking about violence.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked without looking at him. Instead I stared down at the papers, feeling George's eyes dig into my back.

"I remember when you found out Leah had been sexually assaulted by her uncle. Any parent would be out of their mind with fright after finding something like that out, but something else was on your eyes. It seemed familiar too you and I didn't want to say anything because I knew you were trying to forget all of your childhood. Though now you've been in therapy for three years..."

I gulped before I turned and looked at him, forcing a smile and avoiding his eyes the moment his met mine.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I told him. "And then I'll probably head to bed. I'm tired."

He didn't argue. He gave a small nod as if he had his answer but I could feel his eyes on me as I left the room and walked upstairs.

As I undressed in the room, George entered, closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry." He said, leaning against the door. "I shouldn't have asked you that."

"It's fine." I shrugged and there was another moment of silence. I put my shirt on the bed, then sighed loudly as I turned towards him. "What is it that you think? That my father raped me?"

"I didn't say rape. I said touched."

"Right, so you think he sexually assaulted me?" I asked. "He didn't, okay? I don't know why you'd even bring that up."

George took a step closer to me.

"Then why are you reacting like this?"

"Because it's a ridiculous thing to ask!" I exclaimed. "You've known me for three years and seven months. Don't you think I would have told you if something like that had happened to me?"

When I walked towards the bathroom, George reached for my hand and made me stop.

"You once told me that you'd never want to try being tied up and blind folded at the same time." He said. "You said it made you panic."

I ripped my hand away from his and marched to the bathroom door before turning to look at him.

"Did it ever hit you that maybe I just don't like being tied up and blindfolded during sex?" I asked, slamming the door shut and locking it.

After my shower, George was sitting on the bed as if he had been waiting for me. He had gotten changed and was wearing nothing but his briefs.

"I won't mention it anymore." He said. "Let's just... let's talk about something else, yeah? Perhaps chickens for our new home?"

I glanced at him as I walked over to the dresser to find myself some underwear.

"I love you." He called out softly, knowing hearing that would make me soften up.

"I don't care." I muttered, trying to hide the small smile.

I heard the bed creak slightly as he got up to walk closer to me.

"How about we take the kids to Diagon alley tomorrow?" He asked. "Fred needs some things for his second year and Elsie needs everything, including her first wand."

I looked up at him.

"Do you think you could see Malcolm without you two fighting?" I asked. "Elsie wants us all to be there when she gets her wand."

George nodded.

"Of course. You know I can. Malcolm's the one always starting something."

I hadn't told George that Malcolm showed up at the wedding. I hadn't kept it a secret on purpose but I know that he'd be upset with me when he found out that I hadn't told him.

I dropped my towel and got into a pair of knickers before pulling on the shirt I always slept in.

I picked up my towel and threw it over the door to the bathroom.

"You're going to bed too, right?" I asked as I crawled into bed and got comfortable under the duvet.

"I'll just be downstairs, making sure everything is locked." He said and leaned down over the bed to kiss me. "I love you."

I rolled my eyes.

"I love you too, I guess."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now