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I woke up at five the next morning as my alarm rang.

I turned it off and sighed, laying there for a moment before I got out of bed.

George was still asleep. He met at work at nine while I had to meet in forty-five minutes, fifteen minutes before breakfast was served at Hogwarts.

I took a quick shower before I got dressed for the day, then I left the room, but I was immediately reminded of the dog George had brought home, when I heard scratching on Roxi's door upstairs.

I sighed and stopped by the stairs, looking towards the other set of stairs that led up to the second floor.

It was a dog. A living animal. I couldn't just let it stay in a room where it didn't want to be but if I let it out, it would be free to run around where I was.

After a moment of deeply considering my options, I let out a heavy sigh and made my way upstairs.

I hesitated as I reached for the handle on the door, but I opened it and looked at the dog that was staring up at me.

I stepped aside, feeling my entire body tense up... but the dog then walked past me and down the stairs, and I could let out the breath I had been holding.

I walked downstairs and followed the dog into the kitchen, keeping an eye on him the whole time.

It was the first time that I noticed the food and water bowl in here. He went over to drink some water, then looked at the empty bowl before looking at me, and I sighed again.

"You need food." I mumbled. "Of course you need food."

I looked around, trying to spot some sort of dog food. I opened the different cupboards but I couldn't find it.

I looked at the dog again.

"Funny how he brought you home, yet I'm the one standing here, having to feed you."

Why am I talking to a dog?

The dog barked and I jumped, looking at him before I hurried out of the room and upstairs.

George was still sleeping but he woke up when I grabbed my pillow and hit him in the head with it.

"Ow..." he groaned, lifting his head and propping himself up on one elbow to look at me. "...what are you doing?"

"The dog you brought home is hungry. Feed it."

George looked past me and I followed his look to see the dog stand in the doorway and look at us.

He walked over and looked up at me, causing me to take a step back.

"George, feed it." I repeated before walking towards the door, the dog following me, and I stopped. "Why is it following me?"

"I think he likes you."

I looked at him.

"Well, I don't like him."

I continued out of the room and the dog kept following me. I tried to ignore that fearful feeling of a dog constantly being so close to me.

I didn't like it one bit. It took me back to when I was a child and the horrible things my dad would do while making me watch.

There was so many things George didn't know about my childhood but I finally told him about the thing I have with animals and he still went and got a dog.

As I entered the kitchen, the dog barked again but this time louder, and I felt my entire body jump, my breath hitching in my throat.

"Dia." George's voice made me look up as he entered the room. "It's okay. Nothing's going to happen."

I bit down on my tongue.

"I don't need you to reassure me." I said. "Listen... I need to get to work. I'll be home at—"

"Eleven, I know." He sighed.

"Don't sigh at me." I scoffed. "I've got the late shift. Someone needs to make sure that the children stay in their common rooms after curfew."

"And it couldn't be one of the teachers who don't have a family?" He asked and looked at the clock. "It's not even six in the morning. You'll be gone before the girls wake and back after they've gone to sleep. They won't see you all day, and neither won't I."

"I just started work after the summer." I said. "Can you not make this an issue?"

George shrugged as he walked into the utility room, returning with dog food.

"Can we at least talk about me fucking up, before you leave?"

"I don't have time."

"Right." He breathed as he put the now full food bowl down. "Charley... come here boy."

While George was busy with the dog, I grabbed my stuff and put on my shoes before walking over to the fireplace.

I grabbed some floo powder and stepped into the fireplace, saying the word before the green fire surrounded me.

I landed in my office at the back of the defence against the dark arts classroom.

I put my bag on the desk and sat down in my chair, taking a deep breath.

I needed to focus on today, on teaching and on my students. Even though I didn't feel at my happiest, it shouldn't effect the way I teach.

I remember school. Some teachers act way worse towards their students if they're having a bad day.

When I started this position, I promised myself to be the kind of teacher where students looked forward to my classes. I also wanted to be one that they could come to if they were in trouble or struggled in my class.

After sitting in my chair for a moment, I got up and I got changed into my dark purple robes.

I looked at myself in the mirror, brushing my hair out of my face.

Then I remembered.

Today was September second.

I was officially in my second trimester.

George and I had been fighting so much for the past week that I barely even gave my pregnancy any thought. We didn't talk about it either.

It was just a mess right now.

Something I had noticed was that my morning sickness didn't come as often anymore — only a few days in the afternoon.

Funny how it's called morning sickness when a lot of the time, you don't just feel sick in the morning, but also a lot throughout the day.

I had this odd craving for both yoghurt and blueberries so I'd have to get some throughout the day.

I turned away from the mirror and made sure I had my wand on me when I left my office, then the classroom.

It was now a little past six and kids were on their way to the great hall, looking tired and if they didn't want to be there.

I knew the feeling.

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