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I'm about to go celebrate my oldest sister who turns 33 today.

My mum'll be there. I've got major anxiety about it because my other older sister won't be there and I'm scared that without her, my mum manages to manipulate me.

I don't trust myself when I feel pressure. Usually I just give in.


When it was time to go back home, I was eleven weeks pregnant and three days.

At the end of the week, they'd be fully formed and that was crazy to think about.

I was already starting to have trouble falling asleep. I hated when it was time to go to bed because I knew I'd lie there and turn every minute, not being able to fall asleep.

Oh, I had also started feeling them sometimes. It was very small movements but they were there, but then again, when you're pregnant with twins, you feel movement earlier.

My cravings keep changing. First it was fast food, then sweets and now it's salad with all sort of things in them, especially chicken.

"Oh for fuck sake." I cursed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

George shortly after showed up in the door, leaning against the doorway.


"I haven't had a pimple since I was fifteen." I said. "I always considered myself lucky but now I suddenly have a pimple on my chin."

George chuckled.

"We've got some ten-second pimple vanisher at home." He said.

Freddie was starting to grow acne so George had brought home some of he and Fred's product from the shop.

"I'll have to use some of that." I said. "This is ridiculous. I did not get pimples during my first two pregnancies."

I looked at myself for another second before turning towards George.

"Does it look bad?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Are you sure? I don't—"

"You still look beautiful." He said. "Every pregnancy is different, you already know that, and who cares about pimples or acne or any of that?"

"I do."

"Well, do you care about it when it's someone else?" He asked, causing me to look at him.

"Of course I don't—"

"Exactly. You're the only one who cares that you've got a pimple." He said. "Listen, I've packed our things and I've made sure that everything is locked. I've put the key under the flower outside on the porch and we're ready to go."

I nodded, looking at myself again.


I chuckled.

"I remember the first time you called me that." I said. "I was confused. Not once in my life has anyone called me anything but Dahlia. Well... Inez calls me babe sometimes but that's it."

When I looked at George, he was smiling.

"Don't take any offence to this but I am so happy that the wedding is over with." I said. "Inez stressed me out."

"She was a little bit controlling, wasn't she?"

I hummed.

"She gets like that when she's overly excited about something."

George sighed.

"You need to set boundaries. Doesn't matter if she's your best friend. Doesn't matter if she was your family when your own family weren't. I saw you the morning of the wedding and you were beyond stressed."

"That was because of your mother."

"My mother?" George frowned, and I tilted my head.

"She came by the house when I was getting into the dress." I said. "You didn't know?"

He shook his head.

"She asked me if I had gained weight." I said. "Which I obviously had because I'm pregnant but she didn't know. Even if I had gained because of food, why would she comment on it? Why would it be so wrong to eat and gain a little weight that way?"

George sighed and hit his head against the doorframe.

"I'm sorry—"

"Don't." I shook my head. "You keep apologising for her actions and it doesn't matter. It's not you who needs to apologise to me, it's her and we both know she isn't going to just like we both know her behaviour isn't going to change."

I took a deep breath.

"Anyway, Inez wasn't the fault for me getting stressed out."

"No?" He asked. "Maybe she wasn't the only reason but for the last year of plans, I've seen you bite your nails more than I've seen you do it for the first two years of our relationship. She was obviously pushing you too hard."

"George—" I groaned.

"I'll drop it." He said and held up his hands in surrender. "If you promise me to tell Inez the next time she pressure you too much."

"Fuck off." I said and walked past him and towards the room where our packed bags stood.

"Dia!" He called, walking after me. "Did you just tell me to fuck off?"

"I did!" I called back. "And I'll do it again!"

I heard his footsteps speed up and I hurried towards the bathroom but George managed to get a hold of me, grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him.

He pushed me up against the wall, placing a hand next to my head and I grinned up at him.

I loved pissing him off.

"Don't tell me to fuck off." He said. "Apologize."

I snickered.

"What are you, five? I'm not gonna apologise."

He leaned down to rest his head against my forehead.

"Say you're sorry for telling me to fuck off."


"No?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Let's try that again."

I wrapped an arm around his neck and leaned up to kiss him but he pulled back.

"Not until you apologise."

I groaned.

"You're so annoying."

"Then why'd you marry me?" He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows at me while backing up. "Here, grab your bag."

He held my bag out to me and I grabbed it before taking his hand as he offered it to me.

I took a look around the room. The whole house was the same as when we got here almost three weeks ago. We had spend all day cleaning and tidying up.

George pulled out his wand and a second later, we landed outside of our door.

It was raining back home in England. Absolutely pouring down and we weren't prepared with jackets so George hurried to unlock the door and we hurried inside.

Once the door closed, I let out a small chuckle.

"We're picking up the kids at eight, right?" I asked, pulling my shirt off as it was already drenched.

Then I pushed off my shoes and made my way towards the stairs while George thought about it.

"I believe we said eight." He said. "You can call Inez and ask."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now