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At around seven that morning, George and I went back to the NICU to see the twins but first to get updates on them as the nurses were doing rounds.

I couldn't wait to see them again, and I also couldn't wait to walk again but I didn't know when I'd be able to.

A doctor up in the NICU explained to us that the babies would have to have a round of antibiotics because I had a fever. They needed the antibiotics in case they had an infection and Liam needed his heart scanned for an irregular heartbeat but they told us not to worry and they were sure that they'd both be released within a couple of days.

"Look at them." I smiled. "I can't wait to be able to dress them when we get them back."

I've had to pump breast milk back in the room so that the twins could be fed with it and not formula.

We sat with the twins for a few hours, letting them hear our voices as we spoke to them, before we made our way back to the room, and I got out of the wheelchair.

I needed a shower and George helped me out there.

When we were done in the shower, a doctor from the NICU came in — the same doctor we had talked to before, and told us that Liam did not have any infections but Amelia did but she was being treated for it.

They had scanned Liam's heart as well and there was a murmur but there was no structural problems.

Liam was released already that same night and as I held him in my arms while sitting in the bed, I couldn't stop staring down at him.

Fred was over by the bed to look at him too. He didn't ask to hold him — he simply let us hold our own little boy because we hadn't been able to all day.

"He'd gonna be ginger." Fred spoke and I looked up at him before looking down at Liam again as he held onto my index finger while sleeping. "Our hair was that shade of blonde when we were born too. You can kind of see the redness if you look strongly enough."

I chuckled, smiling down at Liam.

"You're gonna look like your daddy." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

"Do you want to get him changed into what we brought for him?" George asked, and when I hummed in response, George walked over to grab the bag and find the different onesies. "I think we'll have to use the smallest one. He's small."

"Probably, yeah."

It was this long-sleeved onesie which was this coral colour. It was cute and while it was the smallest we had, it was a little big on him, but just a little.

"I've never given birth to a boy before." I said as Liam laid on my legs after I dressed him.

"We know." George chuckled.

"Well, I was just saying." I picked Liam up and handed him over to George so he could get to hold him for a while too.

That night after texting Inez and telling her about Liam, I fell asleep and George sat in the chair with our son while Fred was sleeping on the sofa.

The next morning, I woke up as George was in the bathroom, changing Liam's diaper.

The doctor from the NICU came in to tell us that Amelia was now clear of the infection and that we possibly could have her back already that afternoon.

Meg also came back to check on me and it turned out that not only did I have a high blood pressure but I also had really swollen legs which meant I had to stay at the clinic for several days before I could get released.

"Fred, why don't you go home?" George asked after waking up Fred who had fallen asleep a whole lot of times. "You've got a wife and kid and I'm sure they'd like to have you home... especially with Eloise being almost thirty-seven weeks pregnant."

Fred looked up at him with tired eyes and then looked at me.

"We'll be here for several days." I said. "Go home, get some sleep and if you come back tomorrow, you can hold Liam."

"And Amelia?"

"If she's out of the NICU." I nodded.

"Okay." Fred yawned and got off the sofa, looking at George. "You could probably need the sofa. Sorry for stealing it. I know it was meant for the husband."

Fred patted George on the shoulder, then smiled at me and said a tired goodbye before he left, but when he reached the door, he turned to look at me.

"I'm leaving my bag here. There's loads of snacks in there if you get tired or hungry..." he said before he left through the door, and I closed my eyes, leaning back on the bed.

"I'm proud of you." George said, and I automatically smiled, keeping my eyes closed. "You're strong."

"I feel like a super mum." I chuckled. "I gave birth to twins."

"Yeah you did." I could hear the grin in his voice. "He's very small. He's got your lips."

I looked at him to see him stare down at Liam who was sleeping in his arms.

"And your nose." He added. "But he's got my eyes..."

"And your hair." I said with a chuckle. "It's gonna be red."

"It probably is." He nodded and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Liam was swaddled in a blanket and he looked adorable. George had put a small beanie on his head that matched his onesie.

"You know I said I didn't want a boy?" George asked, and I hummed in response, continuing to look at him. "I take that back. He's perfect."

I chuckled.

"I love you so much." I said in a whisper and George looked at me, smiling.

"I love you too, beautiful." He said softly. "Are you gonna keep looking at us? I think Liam's getting a little shy."

"Oh, Liam is getting shy?" I laughed.

"Yeah. That's what I'm saying." He grinned.

I closed my eyes again.

"Is it okay if I take another nap?"

"Of course, darling. I've got him. You can sleep."

I woke up again at the sound of the door to the room opening and some wheels making noise.

I turned my head to see a nurse from the NICU roll a bassinet into the room and when I realised it was Amelia, I pulled myself up to sit.

George was asleep. He had put Liam in his bassinet and had a hand resting on the edge of it while being asleep in the chair.

"It's a very strong girl you've got here." The nurse said with a smile as she rolled the bassinet over to the side of my bed. "She fought the infection in a little over a day."

"Thank you so much." I smiled as I picked Amelia up to hold her for the second time ever. "Hi little one..."

She was looking up at me, moving her hands and legs.

"Someone will be in in a moment to help teach her how to latch on during breastfeeding." I was told by the nurse. "Congratulations."

She left and I looked at George who was still sleeping.

Then I looked down at Amelia again.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered. "You look so much like your older sister Leah."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now