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When I got home, I was absolutely drained.

Both physically and mentally.

I sat down on the stairs to pull off my shoes, then sighed at the relief.

I threw them on the floor and stared at them. I didn't get up. I probably had to get to bed but I just stayed on the stairs, staring at the shoes.

I had an appointment with the gynaecologist tomorrow to get my blood drawn and also get an ultrasound of the twins.

That meant that George and I had to spend time together and if I had to be honest, I didn't look forward to that.

I had no energy to continue fighting.

I started crying.

I really tried not to but with how tired I was, with the stress from fighting George and with the many hormones running through my body, I couldn't hold it back.

I ran my fingers through my hair before wiping my cheeks but it didn't help anything as I just continued crying my eyes out.

Then I heard the sound of paws against the floor and I saw the dog appear. It looked at me and tilted his head before continuing over.

At first, I jumped slightly, not wanting it to get close to me but he laid his head in my lap and stared up at me with big eyes.

"I don't like you." I said in a whisper and weirdly enough, I had already stopped crying.

He whined and walked up a few steps to lie down next to me with his head in my lap.

I sighed and placed my hand on his head, brushing it down over the back of his neck.

"This doesn't mean anything." I said. "I still don't like you."

"He's also got a little training as an emotional support dog." George's voice made me look up where he stood at the top of the stairs. "His former owners put him up for a training programme because the woman had some sort of stress... that's one of the reasons why I thought he could help you."

I looked at the dog again as he continued to stare up at me.

"You still had no right." I said. "If you thought it could help, you could've talked to me about it and suggested it without actually doing it."

"You're right."

He didn't say anything else. He walked down to sit on a few steps above the one I sat on.

"How was work?"

I shrugged.

"Does Elsie enjoy the classes?" He asked. "Your class?"

"She's struggling with participating but I already knew." I said. "At least she's got a friend. I think that'll help her socialise more."

George ran his hand over Charley's back before he placing his hand under my chin and tilted my head back to make me look at him.

"I'm sorry." He said softly. "I know I should've talked it over with you first. I know animals equals trauma to you and I don't know why I just assumed that getting one would help with that."

I moved my face away from his hand and looked at the dog before I looked away.

"I'm tired." I said and stood up which caused Charley to stand up too. "I'm going to bed."


He grabbed onto my hand when I went to walk upstairs, and I paused to look down at him.

"It's so easy to say you're sorry." I said. "That's the only way we know how to make up besides sex and I don't really feel for having sex with you right now either."

He let go of my hand and I continued up the stairs and into our room. George was close behind and the dog followed behind, jumping onto the bed.

"No!" I exclaimed, turning to George. "He does not get to be in our bed!"

George ordered him down and instead, the dog decided to lie down on the floor at the end of our bed.

I looked at George for a second, then shook my head and walked into the wardrobe to get changed for the night.

"I'm thirteen weeks along today." I said when I walked back into the room. "Did you remember?"

"I did."

"Twenty-four weeks until my due date."

"I'm aware."

We looked at each other for a moment before I slowly walked over to him. I tilted my head back and studied his face, then wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

He seemed taken back but he hugged me back, resting his cheek against the top of my head.

"This doesn't mean shit." I told him. "I just needed a hug."

"I know." He said, the smile obvious in his voice.

"Stop smiling."

His arms tightened around me and he swayed the two of us from side to side.



"I think that's enough. I've gotten my hug."

"Nah, I'm not letting go of you." He said. "I've missed you too much today."

"No you haven't."

"Yes I have." He argued. "I didn't get one call or one text from you. You can ask Fred and Ron. I've been completely distracted."

I sighed and gently pushed him away before walking over to the bed.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked. "Even if we fight, I still love you to death."

I laid down and pulled the duvet up, looking at him while he pulled his t-shirt off.

"We have an appointment tomorrow." I said. "It's at noon. I'm allowed to meet at school later."

George nodded.

"Yeah, I know. Ultrasound and blood work, right?"

I hummed.

"We're finding out the sex." I breathed. "But I already thing I know."


"Leah said girls first but then she came running and said she had been mistaken — that it was actually boys."

George chuckled.

"You still think she's a seer?"

"I'm positive." I yawned. "I forgot to talk to Trelawney. I'll do that tomorrow though."

George got into bed when he finished undressing, and I sighed.

"I forgot to brush my teeth." I said and sat up, running a hand over my face before I got out of bed.

George laid with an arm behind his head, watching me with a smile that made me pause.

"George... me hugging you didn't change anything. I'm still mad at you." I said. "The reason for that is sleeping on the floor by our bed."

"Of course." He nodded, but he was still smiling.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued into the bathroom.

Once I brushed my teeth, I returned to the bed and felt George's eyes on me the whole time while I got comfortable.

I sighed, yet again feeling annoyed by him.

I turned my head to look at him.

"Keep looking at me and I'll poke out your eyes with a fork."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now