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I should go to sleep.

I'm tired.

So I will.

I'm gonna shift.

I was actually really close two nights ago. I was saying affirmations and suddenly I started getting very heavy symptoms. I felt like my body was floating so I started acting like I was already there, reminding myself of things I needed done in my DR and then the white noise I was listening to started getting fainted and fainted and it felt like I was being picked up and moved through the air, and then I opened my eyes too early...

I'm trying again tonight though.


When I got home that night after work, George had tucked Roxi and Leah in for the night and was now half asleep in the armchair in the living room.

I leaned against the doorframe to the room and looked at him, seeing him smile when he saw me.

"How was it?" He asked. "The feast..."

"You have no idea how happy I am." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"What—" George sat up straight. "...Elsie did great, I assume?"

"During the feast, she sat with a girl from her house and they talked and they giggled to each other and it was all just very cute to look at." I smiled. "She's never really had a friend before Roxi so I'm just over the moon that she was able to make one tonight."

George smiled and lifted his glass to his lips, taking a sip.

"What house was she sorted into?"


He nodded, thinking about it for a moment before he stood up.

"That fits her, doesn't it?" He smiled. "What do you think Malcolm will say?"

I shrugged.

"I don't give a crap what he thinks." I said. "He'll have to accept it and not make her feel any less about it just because it isn't Slytherin."

George hummed.

"Hey, you want something to drink?"

"No thanks. I'm still full after the feast. Can't even drink anything." I said and watched George get himself some more apple juice before taking a sip, then turning towards me.

"I have to tell you something." He said as I walked over to where he stood and wrapped my arms around his back.

"What?" I smiled, leaning up to kiss him. He put his glass down so that he could sneak his arms around my shoulders, holding me close against him.

"While you were at work, I went out with Roxanne and Leah and they might have convinced me to do something..."

"What?" I repeated, this time a tad more worried.

"I might've gotten us a certain pet..."

I let go of George and took a step back, running a hand over my face.

"Please do not tell me you brought home a dog."

"Alright... but you see... the girls just wanted to look at the dogs at the rescue centre but then they met Charley."

"Charley?" I looked up at George who nodded slowly.

"He's a Labrador mix. Seven months old. They call him a owner rescue because his owners dropped him off when they no longer had time for him." He said. "And when I saw him and saw the girls faces, I couldn't say no, and then I thought — it would be a great opportunity to help you feel better about animals."

"To help me?" I laughed. "You think helping me would be adopting a dog without my knowledge or permission or anything?"

I looked around, trying to catch a look at this creature he had brought home, but I couldn't see it.

"Where is it?" I asked and looked up at him again.

"He's sleeping in Roxi's ro—"

Before he got to finish the sentence, I marched off and upstairs, continuing to the second floor.

I gently opened the door to Roxanne's room and saw the sleeping dog at the end of her bed and I quickly closed the door again, turning around to see George stand there.

"There is a dog in there!" I lowered my voice to not wake up Roxanne. "Did you not hear anything I said when I explained to you why I didn't like animals?"

"I know—" he held out an arm to stop me when I tried to walk downstairs. "...and what he did was horrible, but he doesn't have any control over your life anymore and he isn't going to hurt any animal that you care about."

I looked at him.

"That is not the point, George. We are married now and even if we weren't, we have a house together where we live with our four children and two on the way so you can't just adopt a dog without asking me."

"I did ask you."

"And I said no."

"Yeah, I know but—"

"But?" I laughed, pushing past him. I walked downstairs and into our room, closing the door behind me but George was right behind me.

"So do you want me to take him back?" He asked. "Do you actually want me to bring him back to the rescue centre when he finally has a family?"

"You shouldn't even have brought him home!" I groaned, turning towards him again. "I'm your fucking wife, George, not your child. You can't make decisions like that on your own! I don't care if you meant well, because you knew how I feel about animals and you still got one!"

George sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah." I laughed. "I hope you are."

I walked into our wardrobe located between the bedroom and the bathroom, and George followed me, watching me get changed into an oversized t-shirt.


"I don't want to do this right now." I said. "I'm exhausted, George. I've been at work since one to make everything ready for the students to arrive and I expected to come home to sit and just have a cosy time with you but instead I found out that you actually don't listen to me."

I turned towards him.

"Couples counselling will be good. Not just to teach me about being in a proper marriage, but also to teach you to cooperate since you obviously lack at that."

"You don't have to be rude." He said as I walked past him.

"Rude? Like when you told me I've got too many issues to function?" I asked and walked towards the bed.

I got under the duvet and pulled it up to my chin while closing my eyes.

"Dia... I'm sorry."

"I don't really care, George."

"Can't we just have one day without this shit?"

I scoffed and when he joined me in the bed, I turned around, facing away from him.

"I wasn't the one bringing home a pet without consulting my spouse." I said. "If you had told me you didn't like animals or that you were scared of them, I wouldn't bring one home."

I felt his hand on my arm, running up and down in a soothing way that just made me want to turn around and ask him to cuddle me.

"Dia, look at me. I'm sorry."

"Go to sleep."

He tried to tug at me to get me to turn around, and I did, knowing he wouldn't let it go.

"I really am sorry."

I shrugged.

"He killed those animals in front of me." I said, feeling a familiar lump in my throat. "You knew that and you still brought one home."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now