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George had gone down to tell Inez and Fred that we would be taking a shower, then joining them for breakfast, and when he got back upstairs and into the bathroom where I waited, he closed and locked the door.

"Shower sex?" I smirked slightly, sliding the glass door open before I pulled the shirt over my head and threw it.

"Always." He grinned, walking towards me. He grasped my jaw and connected our lips as his hands moved to my shorts, pushing them down over my hips and my arse before they fell around my feet.

Shower sex had become the most common sex for us. Having four kids didn't exactly leave that many options, especially when they loved barging into our room in the early morning when they were supposed to be asleep.

I wrapped my arms around George's shoulders while his hands found the back of my bra, unclasping it and making it fall to the floor.

Next thing, he tugged my knickers down and once they landed on the floor, I did the same with his briefs.

We were both naked as he shoved me into the shower, sliding the door closed behind us without breaking away from my lips.

I reached down between us and as I wrapped my hand around him, pumping him to get him harder, George had to break the kiss, resting his forehead against mine.

He whimpered.

"I'll explode if you keep touching me like that." He whispered.

"I think you're overreacting, don't you?" I grinned, tilting my chin up to kiss him while continuing to pump him.

George hid his face in the crook of my neck, kissing my skin all over while his hands went to the back of my thighs, lifting me up.

He wrapped my legs around his hips and brought a hand between us to feel me. I had let go of him and wrapped both arms around him, my head thrown back against the tiles.

"The water isn't running." George muttered against my neck, causing me to let out a small chuckle.

"Then turn it on."

I looked at him and he simply stared at me for a moment before he reached out and turned on the water.

Immediately I felt it pour over us. I ran a hand to the nape of George's neck and kissed him at the same time as he pushed into me, the both of us moaning against each other.

Our kiss quickly turned sloppy. George was pounding in and out of me. Three years we had been together so he knew what I liked, and my favourite part of sex was getting it rough.

I could feel George run a hand to the side of my neck, caressing my skin as we kissed while he kept pounding into me.

I dug my nails into the back of his neck, breaking the kiss to let out a mix between a moan and a whimper, but then I couldn't help but chuckle as a random thought entered my head.

George stopped, paused while still being inside of me, looking at me.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm not." I said, but as I chuckled again, I rested my head against his shoulder to try and hide it.

"Laughing when I'm fucking you, isn't exactly gonna help my ego."

"I'm not laughing!" I argued, moving my head back to look at him, continuing to chuckle. "I'm sorry. I just— is this why a guys cheeks are so firm?"

"Huh? A guys—"

"Your arse." I said. "You do a lot of thrusting during sex... is that why—"

"Dia." He cut me off, chuckling softly, as he slowly pulled out of me, maintaining eye contact while slowly pushing in again, hearing me whimper. "Are you done laughing at me?"

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now