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"So what? I'm acting like a child and the wedding is stressing you out." George shrugged. "That mean you don't want to go through with it?"

"No!" I groaned. "Gosh! You always assume that I want to break up or something when we have a fight! That's not how relationships work! Maybe that's why—"

I stopped myself. I didn't want to get ahead of myself and say something I didn't mean, just because I was angry.

"Why what?" George folded his arms over his chest.


"No, what were you going to say?" He asked. "You obviously had something you wanted to say so do it. Tell me."

"No!" I snapped. "I wasn't about to say anything so just drop it!"

"You were going to say that maybe that's why Angelina left me, right?" He asked. "Why would you use that in a fight? I can tell you, Dahlia, that Angelina didn't leave me or the children because of me being childish. She was actually quite fun herself which can't be said about you."

I laughed.

"Then why don't you go back to her?"

"You know, maybe I should." He said, his voice full of spite, taking a step towards me.

"Great." I smiled. "I'll take my girls and seeing as I've got split custody with you over Fred and Roxi, I can fight you for full custody, raising the four as well as our unborn baby... on my own and you... can go back to your ex-wife who hurt you so much. I'll give it two weeks before she grows tired and leaves again."

I ripped off my engagement ring and threw it at him before I rushed out of the bedroom and downstairs.

The kids had been staying overnight with Molly and Arthur. They were staying there until the wedding so that George and I could plan everything in these last days, so I didn't have to worry about any of them seeing me cry as I hurried downstairs.

I ended up just walking out into the garage to sit on the old sofa, my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them.

I hated fighting with him and all my hormones only made my feels much worse. Both the anger and the sadness.

I sat there and cried for a while without George coming to look for me.

In the past before we lived together, I could just go home to my own flat and be but now it was the garage.

And while I had the garage, I knew that George used the garden as a place to escape when he was upset.

He'd sit on the sofa and just stared into the air with his eyes knitted together in a frown.

Just the thought of his face made my heart ache. I loved him so much and I didn't mean to bring Angelina up.

That's why I stopped myself. I didn't want to hurt him and I didn't mean to... I didn't even mean it.

After I sat in the garage for a while, I got up and walked out, continuing into the kitchen and living room.

George sat exactly where I had expected him to... on the sofa outside, even though the skies were getting dark and it was most likely going to rain soon.

The door was open so I could hear the sound of the wind and the birds in the trees.

I approached the door slowly, my eyes focused on him as he sat with my engagement ring in his hand, studying it.

"I'm sorry." I said and leaned against the door. "I didn't mean to bring up Angelina, and I don't care that you joke and play pranks. That's one of the reasons why I love you. I'm sorry."

He didn't answer. He continued looking at the ring, rolling it between his fingers.


"You've apologised." He said coldly, shrugging. "What else do you want to say?"

He looked at me and I scoffed.

"Doing the same thing would be nice." I said. "I'm not the only person who said some hurtful things."

He didn't answer, just continued to look at me with no expression whatsoever.

"Listen, I'm sorry." I repeated. "About everything I said, including threatening to fight you for full custody—"

"—over my children." He said, cutting me off. "You threatened to fight me for custody over my children."


"I'm sorry." I said, feeling the tears fill my eyes once again. "But I'm not the only one who did some hurtful shit so don't act like I'm the bad guy here."

I turned to walk into the house when his voice stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"To pack a bag." I said. "I'm staying the night with Inez and Dove."

He didn't answer. He didn't try to stop me. I walked upstairs, found a small bag and just put in some clothes for the morning, as well as some other things I would need, before walking back downstairs.

I pulled on a pair of shoes before walking to the fireplace in the living room, grabbing a handful of floo powder while throwing my bag over my shoulder.

I looked towards the garden. George still stared at my ring. He didn't look up so I stepped inside of the fireplace and said my location as I dropped the powder.

The green fire surrounded me and a second later, I stepped out into the living room of Inez and Dove's room.

They both sat on the sofa. It looked like they were in the middle of a date night and immediately I felt guilty about interrupting.

"Dahlia." Inez breathed and stood up. "What's wrong?"

I took a step further away from the fireplace.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked. "George and I fought and I can't stand being near him right now."

Dove stood up as well.

"I'll make the bed in the guest room." She said and brushed a hand over my shoulder as she left the room.

Inez put the bowl of popcorn down before leading the way to the kitchen.

"You had a fight?" She asked. "About what?"

I let out a breath.

"He decided to tell me he had lost our rings when he hadn't. Some sort of joke or a prank and I got really angry. All this planning is stressing me out and—"

I hadn't told them about the pregnancy so I couldn't tell them how my hormones were acting up.

"He said that my family is fucked up which is true but it was the way he said it. It sounded so... degrading. Then he told me he had joked about the rings. He actually had them in his trousers. I called him childish, told him to grow up and we continued into a fight about Angelina. I told him to go back to her."

I broke into tears as I sat at the kitchen island.

"You know, we have shared custody of Fred and Roxanne but George doesn't see me as their mother. I feel like their mother and I thought he thought so too but I guess not..." I cried. "I threw my engagement ring at him and while I apologised for the things I said, he didn't. He's so angry at me. I don't even know if we're getting married."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now