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"You're standing like a dad."

George looked back at me, a smile spreading across his face when his eyes landed on me.

I sat on the sofa and George had been standing by the window, looking out at the hard rain with his hands shoved into the pockets of his trousers.

"I am a dad." He said. "And also an official stepdad now that we're married."

I smiled.

"You were a second dad for them from the start." I said. "Even if we weren't married."

He smiled as he looked out of the window again.

"Freddie told me before we found out that it was twins, that if it was a boy, we had to name him Caleb."

"We're not naming one of them Caleb." George immediately said. "That's a horrible name."

"Says the person who's named George."

"Now what's wrong with George?" He asked and looked at me again.

"Curious George?"

He scoffed.

"Okay, Dahlia. At least I'm not named after a flower. That's really creative."

"Shut up!" I laughed. "I bet you'd want them to be called Jesus and Judas."

George frowned.

"It's not gonna be boys."

"And how would you know?"

"I just do." He shrugged. "I'm a twin. It's a feeling I have."

I frowned. That didn't even make sense.

"I'm married to an idiot." I stated, and George gasped, obviously offended. "Just because you are a twin yourself, doesn't mean you have some kind of super power where you just know the gender of our twins."

George smiled as he approached the sofa, standing over me to stare down at me, his hands still in his pockets.

"You don't want it to be girls?"

"I don't care what their sex is." I told him. "As long as they are healthy."

"Well of course." He nodded. "Though I still have a feeling it'll be two girls."

I looked at him for a moment before I stood up and walked brushed down the material of his shirt I was wearing, walking into the kitchen where I put down my phone earlier.

"Fine, we'll get this sorted." I said. "Fred told me about this old wives tale that is supposed to predict gender."

"Oh no." George sighed, tilting his head. "He hasn't talked about anything else lately."

I ignored his comment as I did a quick google search while walking back into the living room to George.

I clicked on an article and found the questions.

"It's a girl if I'm carrying high." I said. "But I'm too early in the pregnancy to tell..."

George grabbed my phone from me and glanced at me from the corner of his eye before he took a seat in the armchair.

"It's a boy if you keep getting headaches." He read. "Which you don't."

I rolled my eyes.

"It's a girl if your boobs have grown."

He looked towards me, his eyes focused on my chest and I snorted while folding my arms.

"George... you won't be able to tell when I'm wearing a shirt that's loose and too big on me."

"Then take it off."

His eyes flicked up to mine and a mischievous grin spread on his face.

"Nice try." I said. "They haven't grown, but I'm still only ten weeks along so these predictions can't be accurate. A lot can change."

George shrugged.

"Well, according to this, that's a sign of boys." He sighed.

Why does he not want boys?

"It's a boy if you aren't sleeping much." He said. "All you do is sleep so that's another sign of girls."

I sat down on the sofa and pulled one foot up move it under my thigh.

"It's a girl if the baby's dad hasn't put on any weight." He said and raised his eyebrows. "Well, it's definitely girls then."

"Didn't you just tell me a couple of days ago when you tried the scale in the bathroom that you had gained weight?" I asked, and he looked at me without saying anything. "A boy."

"Fine." He sighed, causing me to chuckle.

We had been here for about a week and George had tried the scale quiet a few times, confused as to why he weighed more than he usually did.

"It's a boy if you pick up a mug by it's handle." He said and then frowned before letting out a laugh. "What? How does that predict shit?"

I shrugged.

"I pick up a mug by it's handle. I don't want to burn my fucking hand." I said, leaning back and George hummed softly before moving on to the next one.

"It's a girl if the hair on your legs is growing normally."

"Ooh!" I exclaimed and sat up straight again. "It actually doesn't. It's growing out much thinner. It's weird."

"You're just saying that..."

"Alright, what is up with you and having boys?" I asked. "Why don't you want boys?"

"Because they'll like you more!" He exclaimed. "Boys always favour their mums."

I laughed.

"Not always." I said. "But you know, it goes the other way around too. Most little girls favours their dads."

"Well, I know from experience that boys always favour their mums. I did."

With a smile, I got off the sofa and walked over to sit on the armrest of the armchair he sat in, but he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped an arm around me.

"I am sure that no matter what gender our babies are, they'll favour the both of us." I said and kissed him. "Let's quit this game, put the phone away and get ready for bed. It's getting late."

I kissed him again and he hummed against my lips.

"But according to the questions, we're having girls." He whispered, causing me to chuckle.

"C'mon." I said, trying to get up but he kept a hold on me.

"Not yet." He said. "I want to sit here with you for just a little longer."

I didn't argue. I leaned into him, resting my head against his collarbone, my nose barely touching his neck.

He ran his hand up my thigh, pushing the shirt up a little so he could rest his hand against the top part of my thigh where it met my hip.

"Can you go get me Halloween sweets tomorrow?" I asked softly, my eyes closed as I enjoyed the closeness of our bodies.

"Halloween sweets? Dia, it's August. They aren't selling it."

I groaned.

"But I'm craving it."

"I can go get you some other sweets?" He suggested. "Something that'll remind you of Halloween."

I thought about it for a moment, dragging my hand up and down his arm before exhaling deeply.


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