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Three days until the wedding and I started off the morning by throwing up into the toilet, brushing my teeth afterwards.

I stared at my expression in the mirror as I brushed them, furrowing my brows at myself before relaxing them again.

I closed on eye, then opened it and closed the other, then stopped making faces at myself when George showed up in the door right next to me.

"What are you doing?" He laughed, placing his hands on my hips to move past me.

"Nothing." I mumbled, mouth full of toothpaste.

He lifted the toilet seat and started undoing his trousers to pee while I continued staring at myself in the mirror.

"I have to tell you something." He said as I spit out my toothpaste while he was peeing.

I flushed my mouth before putting my toothbrush away, turning to look at George. He was finishing up, closing his trousers before approaching me at the sink to wash his hands.

"You didn't flush." I pointed out and he looked at me before backing up, keeping eye contact with me as he flushed the toilet.

I rolled my eyes and he flashed a smile, walking back over, washing his hands.

"What were you going to say?"

"I uh—" George took a deep breath, drying his hands before he found his own toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. "...I think I've lost the rings."

I had been in the middle of walking past him and into our wardrobe which was between the bathroom and the bedroom, but George's words made me freeze, my hand resting against his back.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Fred's got the rings. He's the best man — the ring bearer."

I looked at George through the mirror, seeing him try to avoid my eyes as he brushed his teeth.

"You never gave him the rings, did you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Oh for fuck sake, George! You've lost our rings?! Our rings?! We're getting married in three days and you've lost our rings?!"

He slowly looked at me through the mirror, his actions slowing down. He watched me carefully, too afraid of what level my anger was at.

I leaned back against the bathroom door, running both of my hands into my hair as I glared at him, then I kicked back at the door, pushing myself away and rushing into the room.

I pulled the drawer in his nightstand open, going through it to find it.

"Wait... Dia!" George had spit out the toothpaste and now stood in the room, toothbrush in his hand. "Don't go through my drawer. My vows are in there."

I closed the drawer again.

"Where did you put them last?!" I raised my voice. "You had one job! You had to hold the rings until it was time to give them to Fred so that he can hold them on the day, and you didn't do that!"

"Alright, why don't you relax?" He asked.

"Do not tell me to relax!" I yelled, pointing a finger at him.

"I did not have just one job!" He raised his voice back at me. "I had to pack our honeymoon bag! I had to write and practice my vows, which I bet you haven't even done! I've got you a wedding present and I've even organised all the gift bags for the guests and that was your idea!"

"Excuse me?!" I laughed. "You just assume I don't have my vows in order? Why do you always assume things like that?! I care about marrying you just as much as you care about marrying me! The only difference is that I do not need to write my vows down to remember them!"

"I wrote my down because the last thing I want is to stand with you in front of our families and forget what I wanted to say!"

"You mean your family, right?!" I laughed.

George paused, frowning slightly at me.

"My family? As far as I'm concerned, our kids are our family. And what about Inez and Dove and their kids? They aren't my family. They're there on your side."

"Yeah, well your side of the aisle will be full of people and mine will be empty with just a few people sitting here and there."

"Is that supposed to be my fault?" He laughed. "Since when am I responsible for your family being fucked up?"

I let out an angry groan and grabbed a pillow off of the bed, throwing it at him with as much force as I had.

It hit George in the chest and he stumbled back a little.

"I did not give you the fault for that. I am just saying that our wedding will be— I don't know. I won't fit in. I don't fit in with your family! The only people I can talk to without it getting awkward at one point, is Bill and Fred, Percy too."

George sighed.

"It always comes back to my family..." he said. "We were talking about the rings, not my family or whatever you have against them."

"I don't have anything against them!" I yelled. "Do you remember when I first met them and Ginny treated me like shit? Do you remember how the rest of your family claimed they didn't care about where I come from? They do, George."

"No they don't."

"I can tell that they don't feel comfortable with me in their house. Your mum is nice but I see the way she forces a smile at me, acting like I'm welcome, while your dad genuinely welcomes me. Your siblings may not have anything against me personally, but they're still on edge about my family history. Charlie and I can talk shortly but then he excuses himself to get away from the conversation. Bill, I can talk to. We're good friends. I used to work for him and I've known him for years and I can talk to Ron too but he gets all awkward and shy and it's been three years. Ginny still hates me and throws some sharp comment at me from time to time. And Percy, the brother you claim to be the most stuck-up of them all, can actually sit and talk to me for hours when no one else wants to."

By now, I was crying, the emotions of my pregnancy overwhelming me. I wiped my cheeks quickly, taking a deep breath.

"We'll just—" I shrugged. "...go get some new rings. Though they won't be ready for Thursday."

I wrapped my arms around myself.

"I actually— I was just joking about the rings." George said and pulled the box from his trousers, showing them to me.

I looked at him, scoffing.

"Oh fuck you." I spat, throwing another pillow at him.

"I'm sorry... I didn't expect you to get so angry."

"Why wouldn't I?!" I yelled. "This whole wedding is stressing me out, I'm pregnant which means I am overwhelmed with all sort of emotions and you choose to prank me by telling me you lost our rings?!"

I was completely screaming at him, feeling furious.

"You're thirty-seven years old so why don't you stop acting like a child and grow up!"

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now