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George and I could never stay mad at each other for long.

I think the longest we've ever been fighting was a week but this time, we were already on the right track after two days.

We sat in the waiting room at the gynaecologist and George held my hand, drawing circles on the back of my hand, using his index finger.

"I don't think it'll be boys, you know." George said. "It's probably girls."

"You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." He said and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Or one of each would be nice too."

"They're identical." I reminded him and he hummed, leaning back in his seat, but he held onto my hand.

"Actually, I don't mind their sex as long as they both play beaters and get into Gryffindor."

I cocked an eyebrow at him and he chuckled.

"I'm kidding. I don't care what house they get into." He said. "And I won't have to worry about what quidditch position they'll have to play... not for another eleven years."

I rolled my eyes.

"Or maybe they won't want to play quidditch." I said. "Just like their mum."

I motioned towards myself.

"That won't be the case. They're Weasley's. They're bound to play."

I gave George's hand a squeeze while I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smile.

I had been terrified for this appointment. Terrified to sit here with George with us being in a bad place, so it felt nice that we had sort of made up before.

I mean, I was still pissed about his quick decision to get a dog without talking to me and knowing how I felt about it, but we were married, I knew he loved me and I loved him and we couldn't keep fighting.

A door opened, earning the attention of both George and I.

"Dahlia Ray-Weasley?"

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath as I let go of George's hand and stood up.

"It'll be fine." He assured me, following me over to Meg Wilson, our gynaecologist during the pregnancy.

"Dahlia, hi." She smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Meg. It's nice to meet you. You're out late, huh?"

I nodded, chuckling lightly as I shook her hand.

"We've been kind of distracted for the first part of the pregnancy." I said, then looked at George. "This is my husband."

"George." He greeted as they shook hands as well.

"Well, why don't you come in?" She asked and we followed her into the room. "Why don't we start with the blood test, and then we'll do the ultrasound?"

She motioned towards the chairs across from her desk and George and I sat down.

"Though before we do the blood test, I want to ask you all the formal questions that I ask new patients when they first come here after their positive pregnancy test." She said and sat down in her chair. "You talked to my secretary on the phone, right?"

"I did."

"She told me that your friend's brother had done a quick ultrasound just to make sure everything was alright?"

I nodded.

"We were planning a wedding and completely forgot to even book an appointment." I said, and looked at George who nodded in agreement.

"It's been pretty hectic."

"I understand." Meg smiled. "I just have to file in some information about you, the pregnancy, who you want to deliver your babies— I heard you were having twins?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Identical."

She nodded while typing something in on her computer.

She asked me question after question to confirm the due date which was the exact same that Pierce had said.

"Alright, we need to figure out who's going to deliver these babies. I'm what you call an OB/GYN. Some people think it's the same as gynaecologists but we deliver babies and they do not, so you have to make the decision whether you want me to be the one or if we should look for a midwife for you. OB/GYNs deliver babies in settings like hospitals or clinics while midwifes are mostly used for home births."

"Yeah, we do not want a home birth." I hurried to say. "I don't want that."

I looked at George.

"I think sticking to one person would be easier?"

"Yes." He agreed and looked at Meg. "My oldest was a home birth and I think a hospital or a clinic would be more ideal."

Fred was a home birth? I had no idea.

"So should I write myself on?" Meg asked and as George and I agreed to that, she wrote it down. "I do actually have to do a lot of tests to make sure you are completely healthy, but today is all about gender. Before I take your blood, I'd like to make another appointment for a Pap smear, a breast exam and a pelvic exam. Does that sound alright?"

We made an appointment for next week and after she took my blood, she guided me to lie on the bed in the room, next to the ultrasound machine.

"This is going to be a little cold." Meg said as I laid there with my shirt folded up over my stomach and the button of my jeans unbuttoned.

She put some gel on my stomach before moving the transducer around in it, trying to get a good view of the twins.

George sat next to me, on a chair while holding my hand, playing with my fingers while our eyes were all focused on the screen.

"There they are." Meg smiled as the two tiny babies showed up on the screen, but her smile slowly faded.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Did you say identical?"

"Yeah... that's what he told us."

"Well, I can tell you now that they are definitely fraternal." She said. "I'll confirm it with the blood work of course, but I'm almost completely positive that they're fraternal."

I looked at George.

"I'm gonna kill Inez and her brother."

He shushed me playfully while looking at Meg.

"So... can you see if one of them is a girl?"

Meg chuckled.

"Let me zoom in a bit. It is very rare that we can tell the gender on an ultrasound at thirteen weeks but sometimes we get lucky."

I looked at the screen again.

"They look healthy." She commented. "Which is good... and I think I do see gender. I can't be certain so you'll get the confirmation in a phone call next week, but it looks like it's one of each. One boy and one girl."

My eyes widened and I almost sat up while I heard George clamp a hand over his mouth so hard that you could hear the sound of his hand hitting his face.

I looked at him as he leaned back in the chair, running both hands over his face.

"I told you, Dia. I bloody told you!"

I'm so gonna kill Pierce.

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