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I'm still awake...


I was chewing on my lip as I looked through the post that laid in front of the door in the hallway.

The house was pretty quiet. Elsie and Roxi had build a cave in Roxi's room with a lot of blankets, Fred was in his room and Leah was with George in the garden.

There was bills with the post but at the end of the pile was the results from my blood work. It was a confirmation of my pregnancy as well as the reveal of how far along I was.

The doctor said four but this would confirm it.

I walked into the kitchen and threw the rest of the post on the counter before I ripped open the results from the blood work.

I read the papers through and I couldn't help but smile when I saw the word 'positive' written on it.

The envelope held another letter which turned out to be a pregnancy verification letter.

On this 3rd day of July, 2015, the patient known as Dahlia Ray had a positive pregnancy test.

Based on the date of her last menstrual period, her estimated date of delivery is the 9th of March, 2016.

Note that due to twins being in the family on both sides, the chance of a multiple birth is higher.

I read the letter over and over again, a smile on my lips.

I looked at the first letter again as I hadn't finished reading it.

On the day of the pregnancy test, I was four weeks and three days pregnant and that was a week ago which meant that I was now five weeks and three days along.

I looked down at my stomach, feeling in awe with the fact that this was actually happening. I was actually pregnant.

"Ooh, did the post arrive?" I heard Fred enter the kitchen as I quickly tried to hide the letters so that he wouldn't see them, but I accidentally dropped them and they landed right in front of him.

I looked at the papers with wide eyes and Fred looked at me, then at the papers before he crouched down to pick them up.

"Fred, darling... hand those to me, will you?" I asked and held out my hand, but Fred turned the paper around to look at it and then his eyes went wide.

"That's disgusting!" He exclaimed before looking at me. "You and dad have had sex!"

He dropped the papers on the counter before he spun around and hurried out of the kitchen.

"Well that wasn't quite the reaction I had expected." I muttered, grabbing the papers. "The boy is almost thirteen and I've been with his father for three years. Of course we—"

"Are you talking to yourself, love?" George's voice made me stop talking and look up as he walked into the house with Leah sitting on his shoulders.

"Fred just found out that you and I have a s-e-x life." I said, spelling it out because of Leah.

"Mama I know how to spell!" Leah shouted.

Oh god.

While I ran a hand over my face, George chuckled and lifted Leah off his shoulders, placing her on the floor.

"Go take your shoes off and put them by the door." He told her. "And if you forget what mum just said, you can have ice cream after dinner."

Leah cheered as she sprinted into the hallway, and I looked at George.

"Bribing her, I see?"

"Well I'm not the one talking about our sex life in front of her."

"I forgot that the girl is smarter than fucking Albert Einstein himself! She can already spell and read as if she was a teenager."

George approached the counter and I felt his hand at my lower back, rubbing in a soothing motion while he looked at the papers.

"Is this what Freddie saw?" He asked as he started reading it, and I looked up at him as realisation hit him. "Oh, this is the results from the blood test, right?"

I hummed, nervously biting down on my finger. I didn't know why.

"We're having a March baby?" He asked. "Ew, our child is going to be a pisces."

My expression dropped and I grabbed the papers from him.

"Babe you've read one astrology book and now you act like you know everything." I said. "What's so wrong with being a Pisces? Ron is one."

"That doesn't exactly help the argument."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I'm just glad it isn't another Aries."

George gasped.

"What in the world do you mean?"

I smiled and placed a hand on my hip as I looked up at him.

"You are one." I said. "And so is Elsie and Roxi."

"At least I'm not a Sagittarius." He scoffed. "Impatient as fuck."

"Alright." I breathed. "Can we agree on one thing? Zodiac signs doesn't determine who you are as a person?"

George looked down at me for a second before nodding.

"Good." I smiled. "Thank you. Now, we should go talk to Fred because he just found out that I'm pregnant and that he's gonna have a new sibling."

He sighed before he threw his head back, groaning.

"This is the part I've been dreading."

"I've got an idea." I smiled. "I leave you to have that conversation with him while I enjoy the sun in the garden now that it's out for an exchange."

George immediately looked at me and frowned as I grabbed my glass of juice from before I went to get the post, and walked outside, taking a seat on the sofa.

Seeing as George had left me in those awkward positions before when it came to parenting, I found it fitting for him to do it for once.

Though he didn't walk upstairs to find Fred. He came outside and squinted one eye closed due to the sun, walking behind the sofa before leaning down, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pressing a kiss to my neck.

"What do you need to be the one to talk to him?" He whispered. "After all , you're the one who's pregnant."

"You're the one who knocked me up."

"Well... you're young."

"You're old." I shrugged. "What's your point? Just go do it."

I chuckled softly before he kissed my neck again, making sure to be very gentle about it, leaving a tingling sensation on my skin.

"Pretty please?" He whispered, dragging his tongue up my skin until he reached my earlobe. "If you talk to him, I'll give you sex tonight."

I turned my head to look at him and due to the look on his face, I knew he thought he had me right there.

"You'll give me sex either way." I shrugged, tilting my chin up to kiss him softly.

I ran my hand into his hair and tugged on it which causes him to whimper.

"Now go talk to Fred or you won't get any sex."

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now