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I had ended up falling asleep on the way home.

Though I already knew I hadn't slept more than a couple of hours when George gently shook me away, leaned down in my side of the car.

"Dia." He whispered, brushing a hand over my jaw when he noticed I was waking up. "We're here, gorgeous."

I opened my eyes and looked at him while he reached down to undo my seatbelt.

"We're just gonna do a round around the house and make sure everything is at it should be, then we'll apparate to Canada." He said, and I nodded, running both hands over my face before I got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

"Give me five minutes before you start speaking to me." I yawned into my hand while George chuckled and walked around to the booth.

I walked up to the door, then realised that Inez had my keys, and I couldn't apparate in because of the spells we had cast on the place.

"George!" I called out. "Do you have your key?"

"I thought you asked me to give you five minutes." He said and walked up to me with the bags, placing them on the ground before he reached into his pocket to find the key.

"Exactly. I told you to give me five minutes but I spoke to you first, didn't I?"

George shook his head at me, unlocking the door. He pushed it open but before I managed to walk inside, he pulled me back, causing me to look at him.

Next thing I knew, he bent his knees and picked me up with an arm around my back and one under my knees, carrying me into the house with a cheeky grin on his face.

I let out a small laugh and then he put me down again, kissing me.

"Welcome home, Mrs Ray-Weasley." He said. "We'll be leaving again shortly."

I laughed at the formal voice he used, and pushed off my shoes.

"I'll make sure everything is locked up down here." I said.

We were going to be gone for seventeen nights so we needle to double check that everything was closed and locked.

"I'll go upstairs then." George said, moving the bags inside before closing the door behind him.

He ran his hand along my back as he made his way up the stairs and at the same time, I walked into the utility room to make sure the window was closed properly.

When I left the utility room again, I slipped in something and ended up on my arse with a grunt, hissing at the pain, but then I saw what it was and I let out a laugh at how ridiculous it was.

I had slipped in one of Jack's toys from this morning. They must've forgotten to bring that with when we left.

"Dia?!" George called from upstairs. "You okay down there?!"

"I fell!" I shouted. "I'm alright!"

Though he still came running down the stairs and turned the corner into the room, stopping when he saw me.

"I'm okay." I assured him. "I just fell."

"You're pregnant."

"I'm well aware of that, thank you." I laughed. "Don't worry. I'm nine weeks and they're well protected in here."

I patted my stomach before holding up a hand.

"Help me up, please." I said, and he did, grabbing onto both of my hands to pull me off the floor.

"What's that?" He asked, taking the toy from the floor.

"Jack's doll." I said. "We might have to buy him a new one. I think I broke it."

George studied it and when he touched the head of the doll, it fell off, dropping to the floor.

"You certainly did." He nodded. "I'm so glad this was a doll and not a child."

"Why would we leave a child on the floor alone in a house for over twelve hours?" I asked. "And all the kids are old enough to just get up and walk away if we put them on the floor. Fred's turning thirteen next month."

George laughed.

"Imagine picking him up and putting him on the floor." He said.

"He'd look at you and be like; what the hell dad?" I couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "Is everything alright upstairs?"

"I only got to check Fred's room before you fell on your arse." He said and ran an arm around my body, slapping my arse. "Finish down here and we'll leave in ten, yeah?"

I hummed, kissing him before he walked back upstairs and I continued to the bathroom through the utility room, making sure that window was closed as well.

When we finished going through the house, we met out in the hallway, and I smiled at how pretty he looked under the moonlight that shun thought the window in the door.

"What?" He asked and looked at me. "Stop looking at me like that and get over here."

I grinned, walking over and placing myself in front of him.

"Oh c'mon." He laughed. "What?"

"I'm married to you." I smiled, running a hand to the nape of his neck.

He looked down at me, smiling from ear to ear while placing his hands on my hips, backing me up against the wall.

"Don't look at me like that." He whispered as he lowered his head to kiss me.


"Why?" He laughed again and grabbed my hand, slowly guiding it to his crotch. "That's why."

He was semi-hard in his trousers to my surprise.

"Is this what happens when guys grow old?" I asked. "They get horny by the littlest things?"

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Shut up. You're hot. Of course I'll get hard when seeing you smile at me like that while wearing a dress like that."

He stepped back and gestures towards my dress.

It was a thigh-short white dress which was loose and flowy, made out of polyester and it showed off my cleavage.

"Are you done drooling over me?" I smiled, grabbing my bag off the floor and throwing his to him. "C'mon. I'm excited to live for eighteen days as Anne Shirley-Cuthbert."

"Anne Shirley who?" George frowned while I unlocked and opened the door, pulling out the keys as I led the way outside.


"Who's Anne?"

I looked at George, handing him the keys so that he could lock up the house but he just stood there and looked at me in confusion.

"What?" I laughed. "It's just this girl from a book series I read as a child. Anne from Green Gables. I always wanted to live in Avonlea and now we get to live in Charlottetown which is a town mentioned a lot in the books."

George slowly pulled the door closed, locking it while keeping his eyes on me.

"We're going on our honeymoon to Canada so that you can live out your childhood dream?" He asked and I shrugged, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"You chose the destination, remember?" I asked before gesturing towards the car. "Have you locked it?"

"I have."

I narrowed my eyes with him and walked down to check so that we didn't leave it unlocked when we apparated to another country.

"You don't trust me?"


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