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So my dear friend Cecilie started running her mouth in the comments of the last chapter so I'll have to kill her when I see her on Wednesday.

Just want to clarify that the description of the book doesn't have anything to do with the twins.

I should probably stop telling Cecilie what I plan out for my stories lmao.


Fred was there when I returned to the delivery room.

"You did it!" He smiled, walking over to help the nurse help me move over onto the bed I had to sleep in for as long as I'd need to be here for. "Where's George?"

"I told him to go be with them in the NICU." I said, feeling absolutely exhausted.

I could barely even keep my eyes open.

"Are they amazing?" Fred asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"They are." I nodded with a smile. "They look like aliens but they're amazing. Liam held my finger."

Fred chuckled.

"And how about you?" He asked. "How're you feeling?"

"Like I could go to sleep for a hundred years." I said. "I'm surprisingly okay with them staying in the NICU. I know it's for the best and I know they're in good hands."

Fred hummed before we both looked at the door as Meg entered.

"So... you're still heavily medicated." She told me. "Do you have any snacks or should one of the nurses get you some?"

"I've got some snacks for her in my bag." Fred spoke and got up, walking over to get them.

"We're gonna wait until the medication has worn off before we move you to the mother and baby unit, okay?" Meg said. "Your husband is in the NICU with your twins. You'll be able to see them later, but for right now, you need rest."

I smiled.

"Thank you for everything you've done." I said. "I wasn't this comfortable giving birth with my two oldest."

Meg chuckled.

"It's what I'm here for. I'll come check up on you later."

She left and I looked at Fred who sat on the edge of the bed again and handed me a small bag of crisps.

"What time is it?" I asked, and Fred looked at his phone.

"It's a quarter to three in the morning."

I nodded, and then my own phone beeped somewhere in the room.

"Can you get that for me?" I asked and Fred got up to find my phone in George's pocket as his jacket hung over the chair he sat on earlier.

Fred handed me the phone and I saw a message from George.

Once I entered it, I couldn't help but smile. He had sent me pictures of the twins, lying in each of their small bassinet in the NICU.

"Look." I said, my voice fragile. I showed my phone to Fred and he smiled as he saw the pictures. "Liam is the tiny one."

"They do look like aliens."

"Right?!" I laughed. "But they're mine... and I love them."

Fred looked at me and smiled.

"What're their middle names?"

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now