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I went to bed that night, unable to fall asleep.

George fell asleep quickly and then I just laid there, staring at the ceiling.

Today had been a long day and I just kept overthinking it all. All those people who now knew I had been molested as a child...

I had been so scared to just tell George and now his entire family new plus Inez and Dove and... everyone.

Inez had cried as she hugged me. She's a big crier and she tried not to — she also apologised for crying but she did while I just sat there, feeling empty at that moment.

Henry had gotten back about and hour after he went to talk to our mum and she didn't believe him about our father doing those things to me when I was just a girl.

It didn't surprise me though.

I decided to get up and get something cold to drink. I left the room and walked downstairs, seeing the two bowls from earlier today.

The one with names.

In one of them, we had asked people to choose one out of four names — the names that our kids chose and in the other, people could write down a middle name for both the boy and the girl.

I decided to grab the bowls and move over to sit on the sofa, placing the bowls on the table.

I started with the middle names.

I grabbed a paper and unfolded it, laughing at the name, but not your regular laugh of joy... more like an annoyed laugh.

Girl - Molly

How self-centred can one woman get?

I shook my head and curled it up in my hand, putting it on the table before I grabbed a new piece of paper.

Girl - Blythe
Boy - Alexander

As I put the paper down, I could hear the stairs creak and I looked up to see George.

"Dia, it's two in the morning..." he said. "Couldn't sleep?"

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I know we agreed to look at this in the morning but I saw them and I got curious."

"No, it's alright." He assured me, walking over to sit next to me.

"Your mum put her name in the bowl for middle names."

"Of course she did." He sighed and reached for the bowl with first name. "Should we count these now?"

I nodded.

"You can. I need something to drink." I said and stood up.

I walked out into the kitchen, found a glass, put some ice in it before I filled it with water.

Ice cold drinks sometimes helps the baby turn. I use it to make them turn when they're laying somewhere that's causing so much pain that I can't sleep.

After a few sips of the water, I returned to the entrance hall where George was counting the names.

I sat down next to him, letting out a small grunt at the slight discomfort in my pelvis.

I kept watching George and drinking my water until he was finished counting.

"Mia won." He said and looked at me.

Just like Leah said.

"Aw." I pouted.

"You don't like that?"

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now