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While George went to work for the day, I was home with the kids.

I called this gynaecologist that Fred and Eloise used and called for an appointment. We would need one for the pregnancy and then I also made an appointment to have my blood drawn so we could know the sex of our twins.

At the same time, George was going to call a couples counsellor while at work so a lot of things were going to happen.

The kids and I had just eaten lunch and as I was watching the dishes do themselves, Fred entered the kitchen and took a seat by the kitchen island.

"Are you alright, darling?" I asked him. "You look guilty about something."

He shrugged.

"I want to tell you something, but please don't tell dad."

I looked at him for a second before I pushed myself away from the counter and motioned for him to follow me over to the dining table.

Once we sat down, I looked at him again.

"Is this about you sneaking out last night?"

Fred nodded.

"You know how I asked for a phone for my twelfth birthday?" He asked. "And you gave me one?"

I nodded.

"I used it to find my mum. My biological mum." He said, and I felt my expression slowly drop. "I snuck out to meet her."

"Okay..." I said slowly. "Do you mind telling me what happened?"

He looked down at his hands as he rested them on the table.

"I don't know why but I just really wanted to find her. I don't know why she doesn't want us and I don't mean to hurt you but I miss her sometimes."

"Hey—" I placed my hand on his to make him look at me. "...I know how you feel. Not having a certain parent in your life gets easier with time but there's still a hole there..."

Fred let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened when you met her?" I asked.

"We talked for a while and I accidentally told her that you and dad are having twins." He said. "She wasn't very happy and then she tried to convince me to come and live with her but I didn't want to and I told her I wanted to go home so she took me home."

I nodded slowly.

"Please don't tell dad." He said. "He's gonna be so mad at me."

I offered him a soft smile.

"I think it's important that we let him know why you snuck out. He's gonna ask you about it when he gets home and you'll be in more trouble if you lie." I said. "But you know he's not gonna be upset that you wanted to see her. He's gonna be upset that you snuck out alone at nighttime. You could've been hurt."

"Mummy, mummy, mummy!" Leah screamed as she suddenly came running down the stairs and into the kitchen, crawling onto the seat next to me. "I just remembered! It wasn't sisters in my dream!"

"No?" I chuckled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"It was brothers! I had two little brothers and Freddie was very happy because he got a little brother like he always wanted!" She said very enthusiastically. "And one of them were named Liam!"

Then she ran off again and I felt my eyes widen at the mention of the name.

Around the time George and I started talking about trying for a baby, we discussed baby names just so see the styles we liked and one name we both really liked for a boy was the name Liam.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now