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I went straight to St. Mungo's.

Immediately, they brought Leah and I to a private room.

I sat with her on the bed as they checked her to make sure she was alright. Her body was bruised but luckily there was no sign of sexual assault.

I could feel that Leah felt unsafe about anyone approaching her that she didn't know, so I made sure to hold her close to me as the healers had to help her.

They vanished her bruises with a potion and gave her something to sleep as well.

As Leah slept in my arms, I called Malcolm and told her that I had found Leah and the we were at St. Mungo's.

He said he'd be there immediately.

Then I called George.

"Where have you been?" He asked. "I just talked to Inez. You're not with her like you told me."

"I went to my mums."

"Again?" He asked with a sigh. "Dia, maybe she doesn't know anything..."

"Leah was in their basement." I said. "My dad had her down there. She was black and blue and..."

I started crying, pressing a hand to my mouth.

"She looked so scared." I cried. "She was crying and he yelled at her and— I thought he had touched her but luckily he didn't..."

"Wait..." he let out a heavy and shaky breath. "...you found Leah? She's alright?"

"She's gonna be so traumatised but we're at St. Mungo's and she's okay. They healed her bruises. She was covered in them."

I looked down at Leah who was asleep with her arms wrapped around my stomach.

"Okay... fuck. Inez is here. I'll ask her to watch the twins. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay." I whispered. "I'll see you."

I hung up before looking at Leah again, leaning down to press a kiss to her head.

"I love you so much." I whispered just as the door opened and Malcolm rushed in.

His eyes landed on Leah and he let out a sigh of relief before rushing over. He leaned down and cupped one side of her face to look at her, then sat on the chair next to the bed.

"Did he touch her?"

"He hurt her, but not sexually."

Malcolm glanced at me, then looked at Leah again.

"I think her and Elsie should live with me, permanently." He said which came as a surprise.

My eyes widened and I stared at him as he then slowly looked at me.

"You aren't being fucking serious." I heard George's voice and we both looked at the door where George entered with a small bag.

He walked over, basically shoved Malcolm out of the way so he could see Leah, make sure she was alright and then hug her while she was asleep.

"She looks so tired." He sighed.

"They gave her something to sleep." I said. "She wanted to sleep but she was too scared to."

George looked at me, nodded slowly and then looked at Malcolm.

"The first thing you tell the mother of your children after she found your daughter who's been kidnapped for the past six weeks, is that you want to take the children from her?"

"This is none of your business." Malcolm said and stood up. "She is incapable of keeping them safe."

"She's got custody."

"And I'll bring her to court to change that."

George laughed.

"You think they'll give full custody to an alcoholic?"

Malcolm mocked his laugh, then punched George in the face and George stumbled back at the force, rubbing his jaw.

"Malcolm!" I exclaimed. "Stop!"

In the next second, George had grabbed onto Malcolm, pushed him against the door and I gasped at the force of it.

"You are lucky that I love Dahlia — otherwise I would have absolutely smashed your head in, you pathetic excuse of a human being."

He let go of Malcolm and stepped back.

"Malcolm, if you try to take them away from me, I will have George adopt both of them and the ministry won't ask for your permission seeing as you currently have no custody. Then you'll have no chance if you try and take custody." I said. "And how dare you even threaten with that when we just got Leah back. Right now, we need to focus on her and making sure she'll be fine so she won't be traumatised for the rest of her life. She does not need her parents to fight for custody. She does not need to lose either of us and she doesn't need to watch her dad and her stepdad fight constantly. She loves both of you so you better start getting along."

They both looked at me, then glanced at each other.

"It's not her fault this happened." George said to him.

"It was her father."

"Oh yeah?" George raised his eyebrows. "Let's talk about your brother then..."

"Enough!" I hissed. "Either you calm down and act like civil human beings, or you get the fuck out of here... both of you."

Leah wasn't gonna wake up from this. She was on a sleeping potion so she wouldn't wake up until it wore off.

George walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down, leaning on the bed with his elbows.

"What's in that bag?" I asked and gestured towards the bag George had brought.

"Oh..." he stood back up. "...I brought some of her stuff I though she'd might like to have."

He walked over to grab the bag while Malcolm slid into the chair on the side of the bed where Leah laid.

George walked back to my side of the bed and pulled out her stuffed animal, placing it against her so she'd see it when she woke up, and then he pulled out a clean pair of clothing and put them at the end of the bed.

"It's her favourite pair." He said. "I've got her shoes in here too... for when they release her."

"Thank you." I smiled at him and pulled him down so I could kiss him, and then he sat down. "They told me she could go home by the end of today. Right now, we're just waiting for the Aurors."

"Aurors?" Malcolm asked. "They're not gonna question her."


"She's six years old, Dahlia. She's been missing for six weeks, stuck with her grandfather who hurt her and left bruises on her. She's not about to be questioned by a bunch of Aurors."

"Her psychologist is going to be with them. She'll talk to Leah for them to try and see what happened in those weeks, but no one is going to push her." I said. "They're there to question me. I was in the basement... I got her out of there. I've got a recording of my dad admitting to stuff and I'm making sure he gets locked away forever."

Malcolm sat up straight.

"You were in the basement?"

"I went to see my mum and she basically admitted to having kidnapped Leah. I went to the basement and my dad was—"

I looked down at Leah.

"He was holding her back and she was full of bruises." I said. "But she's safe now, so now we just need to get both of my parents locked away."

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