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If any of you want to have an influence in Dahlia's pregnancy (the amount of babies), go to my Instagram @ weasleyxhoe and check my story ;)


"We're actually here because we have some news." Fred said with a smile as the nine of us ate outside in the garden as the sun was out which was rare.

"We wanted you to be one of the first people to know." Eloise smiled. "But you Dahlia, you already know. Fred told me he told you and Inez."


I nodded, smiling as I leaned back in my chair. George gave me a curious look before he paid attention to his brother and sister-in-law.

The kids all sat at a children's table, Leah helping Georgia if she struggled with her food.

"I'm pregnant." Eloise stated. "Nine weeks."

George's eyes widened and he immediately looked at me but I placed a hand on his thigh as a reminder that we weren't telling people until my second trimester because the chance of miscarriage decrea—

"So is mummy!"

I pressed my lips together as I looked down at the table, then looked towards Leah who was now giggling in a mischievous way.

"Well, I guess announcing it a month early works too." I breathed, looking up to see both Fred and Eloise shocked while George tried to keep back his laughter.

"Wait did you do what I recommended?" Fred asked with a smile. "Sex before ovulation?"

I shook my head.

"Turns out I was pregnant when we had that lovely conversation." I said. "I'm eight weeks along."

"Eight? Oh dear our due dates must be close to each other then." Eloise chuckled while Fred held up a hand to high-five George.

"Mate, this is what we always talked about. Our wives being pregnant at the same time."

George high-fived him and Eloise and I gave them odd looks but then fell into our own conversation about pregnancy.

"Have you had an ultrasound yet?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"We haven't even found an OB gyn yet." I said. "We've been too busy with planning the wedding."

"Oh, well I understand that but making sure the baby is healthy, is important too. I don't know if you would prefer wizards— I don't actually know if you have any wizarding gynaecologists, do you?"

I shook my head.

"We have healers and they kind of do it all." I said. "But the physician we went to were muggles, so a muggle place would be fine."

"Great." She smiled. "Well, I can get you the address of ours and you can book an appointment for an ultrasound."

"We're finding out the gender soon." Fred spoke, shifting between looking at George and I. "Eloise is getting her blood taken once she reached ten weeks next week and they'll be able to tell the sex."

I nodded.

"That's how I found out that Leah was a girl." I said. "But with Elsie, I waited until it could be seen on an ultrasound around the twentieth week, I think."

"And with both Fred and Roxi, Angelina wanted to wait until the birth." George said, looking towards the children's table.

Leah got along with Georgia. They had been great friends since Georgia learned to walk and talk.

Blessings ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now